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Another night of music blasting through his ears and a trick knife in hand, In Seong made his way home from work. Surprisingly, that week In Seong had a week of afternoon shifts instead of overnight shifts. It was a nice change of pace, but at the same time, Inseong came home with bottles of soju, a couple of packs of cigarettes, and several instant ramyeon packs that were discounted. In Seong also had a few Pokémon stickers from the breads that were selling out rapidly for Jin Hee and Dae Hyun's collections.

In Seong munched on one of the breads as he walked down the long stairs down to the apartment complex.

I think I got some of those
Pokemon you were looking for.
Jin Hee gets first dibs.

Dae Hyun got back to Inseong faster than he expected.

Holy fuck!
You found that Pokemon bread?!
Which ones?!
I need to know!

In Seong rolled his eyes at Dae Hyun's excitement over stupid Pokémon stickers that came in bread. The only reason Inseong was even looking for them was because Jin Hee put the idea in his head. She was looking all over for these specific breads. Apparently, it was the new thing to collect right now – everybody was collecting them, and the bread was going out of stock daily.

In Seong works in a convenience shop that barely got traction, so the bread was just sitting there. Working alone, Inseong just bought a few to eat while he sat around and did absolute shit. He got a good 2-hour nap in today because it was so fucking slow. Even with school starting back up that week.

Jin Hee first.
Then I'll tell you.

In Seong shoved the rest of the bread into his mouth as he jumped off the last three steps. He had plans with his TV, ramyeon, and soju tonight since he had the next three days off. Inseong had every plan to get drunk off his ass and forget about everything in his head.

He pulled open the door to the apartment complex, allowing someone to leave before he entered. Inseong didn't notice anything out of the ordinary as he made his way to the elevator. Inseong was never known to be observant – and after work, In Seong just wanted to get into his apartment and stay there for the night.

He turned up the volume of the music as he entered the elevator and pressed the button to the fourteenth floor. The music blasted through the earbuds as Inseong leaned against the back of the elevator, eyes closed. Inseong crossed his arms against his chest, gently bobbing his head to the music. The base could be heard but not the lyrics. The elevator stopped occasionally for the ones leaving for the night. Inseong kept his distance and mouth shut.

Once the elevator stopped at the fourteenth floor, In Seong climbed out. He peered down the hall, seeing the scatter of ramyeon around and down the hall from 1410. In Seong stopped, looking at the mess before shaking his head. He wouldn't be surprised if the apartment complex had rats – or stealers who most likely got caught.

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