Hate that I love you [Akito Shinonome]

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Romantic Enemies to Lovers


Y/N: your name
N/N: nickname
L/N: last name
B/N: boy name


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Plot; Hearing the name Akito shinonome made your blood boil, especially since he hates your guts. What a surprise that you both managed to get on eachothers bad sides.

Everything became a competition for you two, whether it would be in sports, or even class (which you both have terrible grades.) you'd even tease eachother for fears..

Yeah you both just didn't get along, but you felt like your life just took a whole 360 once you found out your bestfriend was related to the same boy.


"I hate you."

"I hate you too."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" A loud thud was heard, your friends backing out in shock from your intense reaction. Your fists were clenched, blood boiling intensely as the once soft hands landed directly on the touch of the wooden table.

Without hesitation you slumped into your chair and groaned, your friends— taken aback sighed from your antics and patted your head.

"one point. I lost to him by one point." You complained, emphasizing that one whilst also raising your hand to lift your index finger. "There there.." your buddy said, their seat right next to you as a smile was on their face.

You huffed, a bit more than annoyed. It didn't bother you about the fact that your score was low, but it was the fact that your rival won over by a SINGLE percentage on the SAME TEST.

Maybe you should have actually studied the night before, that way you weren't currently stuck with the overwhelming annoyance of his smirk when he looked at you and lifted up his paper.

"This.. enemy thing with Shinonome-kun, it really is hitting you deep huh Y/N?" Your friend laughed slightly, other friends around doing the same.

Akito was your school rival since.. you were like kids, you'd try to one up one another whether it would be sports and even quizzes! You couldn't help but feel prideful everytime you saw that frown on his face whenever you were the rightful heir to victory, as for when he wins.. vice versa.

You'd get back at him somehow, you still didn't have P.E until later today anyways... maybe then you could try to reclaim your throne.

You felt two of your friends sitting across from you snickering as their eyes met In contact with your saddening expression, "You sure have one crazy crush on our fellow 2nd year eh Y/N?" one of them teased, you were jumbled up with shock and shot up instantly. Your friend— who was still patting your head flinched and leaned back, not expecting the sudden action.

"Excuse me?" You felt your teeth clench. You and Akito Shinonome? As if that was even a possibility, you'd rather date one of the first years than the specific guy who had to unfortunately be in your grade.

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