❖ ❁ bro are you tweaking

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chapter 1

previously :

the person who helped you said something, their voice or actually their words pulling you out of that trance.

"a...samurai? Alive??"



___ snapped back into reality once again after realizing their surroundings had changed, ...Where the fuck are you??

ignoring the stranger in front of you, who's giving you a look of confusion or sadness, whatever the fuck it is,

you look to your right and see ginkgo trees (i think that's what it was called?), the light of the setting sun complimented very well, a lake which had the mix of the usual blue color that you see with some orange hues and the cloudy whites as if it's some sort of portrait of the skies,

oh and don't forget the smoke of a possibly burning house too.

and then to your left seeing evergreen trees (again i have no idea if that's what it's called),a bridge leading to some house? a burning shack

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and then to your left seeing evergreen trees (again i have no idea if that's what it's called),a bridge leading to some house? a burning shack...A BURNING SHACK???

"oh the gods have smiled down upon me!!" the stranger yelled out happily which made you realize there was someone standing in front of you the whole time, 'When did this guy get here?' "How come you're so happy

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"oh the gods have smiled down upon me!!" the stranger yelled out happily which made you realize there was someone standing in front of you the whole time, 'When did this guy get here?' "How come you're so happy..?" you blurted out, obviously you were confused and the way this guy was dressed in traditional Japanese clothing, Maybe he's a traditional type of guy? who knows.

"My lord/lady! please help me, my inn has been attacked by mongols!!" the stranger pleaded, first pointing at the inn then he gave a deep bow of respect

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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