Terror And Peace

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The place was dark and decrepit, but then again a prison is not supposed to be pleasant. Especially when one takes into account who was being kept there. Usually, this jail kept the criminals of Pristella awaiting trial, but in light of the recent events almost all prisoners were transferred somewhere else and additional guards were hired. For this is where the recently captured Sin Archbishop of Pride was held. The prisoner, who appears to be a young man, and who claimed, before being taken, to be a royal candidate's knight, was placed in the center of the structure. All around him were corridors that seemed to go on forever, and brave knights ready to strike him down at the first sign of aggression.

Sir Felix was unsurprisingly a common sight here. After all his lady suffered greatly due to the witch-cult attack and the loyal knight wanted to know how to aid her, since apparently, he wasn't able on his own. The cult's methods sickened every person who ever heard of them, but to think that even the kingdom's greatest healer is unable to treat the damage done by those monsters could only cause one to hate the perpetrators even more. But Felix's efforts were for naught, pride refused to give any useful information. When asked about cult methods he'd answer with a joke or insult aimed at the interrogator. Again, the Archbishops' inability and refusal to do any good were simply disgusting.

His morals weren't the only such thing, his every move and action also was. His gaze was like it belonged on a tiger, piercing and observant. Always waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike, always waiting for even the smallest of mistakes made by his enemies. His ability to ignore pain was also an obstacle, no matter how harsh of torture they employed, he'd simply laugh at their effort and refuse to surrender information. The only person that managed to break his guard was the half-elf candidate Emilia. Indeed when he first saw her his eyes almost showed happiness, but that sight was quickly replaced with one of hatred. Their conversation wasn't long, but it was impactful. While Emilia, like everybody else, was unable to learn anything useful, she was able to get him mad, almost hysterically. Yes, Pride had threatened to kill her and her entire camp. Of course, his words weren't as direct and simple as this, they were rather filled with metaphors, but this was its meaning.

Unsurprising reaction really, after all, Emilia had killed two of his fellow Archbishops and the white wale. Pride's hatred of the royal candidate was the only understandable thing about him, although his ability to do anything with that emotion equals zero. Not only is he imprisoned here, but his, would-be victims are themselves quite strong, Something that Pride lacked. Yes, while his mind was clearly stronger than anything in Lagunica, his body wasn't. He seems unable to beat an average guard in a straight fight, so he was most definitely a strategist for the cult.

"He won't be doing much strategizing now." These were the guard's thoughts as he was making his rounds, for it was his turn to watch over the prisoner. Emilia's ability to break this monster's facade caused great relief to him and the other guards. Because it showed that this thing can be beaten when it came to mind games. That woman's ability to do great deeds was quite noticed by the guards, although her heritage will make sure that she loses the selection. But his thinking on the matter had to be stopped, for he had reached his destination.

In front of him was a rather large cell. Despite its size, the interior held almost nothing in it. The only things were the chains and the person kept in those chains. That same person, once he had realized that the guard had arrived, looked at him with those scary eyes and gave him a creepy smile. This man had no reason to smile, he was heavily underweight with bags under his eyes. His strange clothes were in no better condition, all torn and tattered. Just like his body, which was riddled with cuts, stabs, and burn wounds. Out of all of his injuries, the ones that stood out the most were his right arm and left leg, they were the consequence of Lust. While every other person suffered excruciating pain as a consequence of this affliction, Pride seemed not to have any reaction to it. But despite all of this he held an aura of power around him. The way he observed his surroundings, and the way he spoke, all gave one an impression of a man in control of everything.

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