Lovely day

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" It's a little bit windy today. Don't you think so Subaru-Kun?"

" Yeah, It is. But that won't stop us from enjoying this day Ana-tan."

She giggled at his, somewhat childish enthusiasm," I suppose It won't."

If one would, by accident, find themselves at this moment in time, they would be presented with a visage of a young couple taking joy at their current predicament. Why would they not? After all, today was their day off. Their life, idyllic as it is, requires quite a bit of hard work. Cultivating the fields, preparing food, keeping their house clean, and getting necessary items, the last creates a particular challenge due to their remote location. The same remoteness that hides them from their would-be adversaries, also makes it so the merchants rarely travel here. Most things that they own were made by themselves, or by people they knew.

All in all, an opportunity to relax and enjoy their life was gladly accepted by this lovely couple. As they were now, walking through the woods that separated their home from the nearby village. The sight was truly the one for sour eyes, decorated by lush forest, and all sorts of wildlife. At one point, to Subaru's dismay, a rabbit passed by. The small animal paid no attention to the duo, but the same couldn't be sad for Subaru. Unfortunately, his scars are yet to heal, so this sight brought back the memories of the great hare and all the pain that he had suffered due to that creature.

While Subaru was lost in images of his past, reliving one of the most traumatic events he experienced, Anastasia, silently cursed the world. She knew of her husband's phobia of small animals, although she didn't completely understand its origin. Subaru had told her that this fear of his, first appeared after his encounter with the great rabbit, but he didn't say what exactly the thing did to awaken such great fear. Knowing about that creature, she could form an idea of what that could be, a rather bloody and gruesome idea. At the moment, the exact events in the past mattered not, what mattered was the fact that her husband was suffering much distress, and she had to help him get out of it. So she did.

Gently taking his hand into hers, she softly spoke " Shhh, you are safe here Subaru-Kun."

" Wha..."He suddenly moved his head and looked her straight in the eyes, his scary black eyes, which were now showing fright and a semblance of confusion, met her caring aqua green ones. To this Anastasia slowly brought her hand to his cheek " Nobody can hurt you here, you're safe now."

His mind was slowly getting back to reality, and after a short while he could once again think straight, and his eyes, instead of seeing what had happened in the past, could once again see what is in front of him. His eyes now showed him the image of his beloved wife, doing her best to help him, which made him happy, but in a way disappointed in himself.

Moments like this truly make him think that he doesn't deserve Anastasia in his life, a wonderful moment like this was rudely interrupted by his traumas, scars that he had failed to heal. In a way it made him feel like a failure, but such thoughts were short and easily brushed aside as nonsense, a remnant of his old self. He understood that he indeed didn't deserve Ana, for nobody deserved anything, but If she is happy being with him, he is more than happy himself to keep her feeling that.

" Better now?"

" Yeah, sorry about that. I shouldn't..." His answer was prematurely stopped by Anastasia's disapproving gaze.

" No apologizing for the things that are out of your control." Her statement was aided with a slightly heightened voice, although no animosity could be heard from her words.


"No buts Mister", as she spoke, she slightly tightened her grip on his hand." It's not your fault, so don't apologize."

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