You Will Find Your Soulmate

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Her name, that thing most sacred to a sentient being. The thing that defines you. The thing that carries you. The thing whose worth you can only truly appreciate once you lose it. Word she expected not to hear again, at least not without prior introduction. And yet she heard it. And yet, her ears once again were privy to that simple word, Anastasia.

That was a name she gave herself, for her birthname she remembered not. What her parents named her was a question she always desired an answer to. But, like many things in life, that was something she will never have the luxury of knowing. Yes, her naturally curious mind could, and in most cases, should wander around searching for answers. But now, that was not what had to be done.

She knew what to do, so she behaved appropriately. She turned around to meet the voice, to see the person, that despite all seemed to remember her. The person whose voice she could not recognize, but who could recognize her. She knew it was not an accident, she knew that the name used was intended. Whoever spoke knew who she was, and yet she couldn't say the same. No matter how much she tried, how much she desired she couldn't pair the voice with any person in her life.

It was not Julius's, for the voice lacked the elegance that the knight always presented. It was not Ricardo's, for it lacked the warmth and care she received from him, almost from the first day they met. It belonged not to any of the triplets, for it lacked the enthusiasm and failed to carry that childish mischief they were, oh so known for.

No, the voice was demanding, almost manic. It desired answers, it demanded its request be granted. Yet, there was something else in it. Something that she couldn't put her finger on, something she could only speculate on for now. She tried again to think of the owner's face, to remember their visage. After all, considering the way the person spoke to her, there is a substantial chance that they were, at the very least, acquainted. But it was for naught. She tried, she focused, but only a silhouette was present. She knew this person from before, but, just like with her parents, whenever she tried to remember, only a silhouette was present. nothing more than an outline, and even that caused her a headache.

So, in hopes of her eyes filling in what her memory couldn't, she observed the strange figure in front of her. But such action left her disappointed still. No matter how hard she looked. No matter how hard she tried, the shroud hiding this person's identity wouldn't come loose. The answer always remained so close, and yet so far.

That being said, she was able to conclude a few things based on his appearance. He wore a dark cloak that was some shade of blue. Unlike the rest of his clothes, the cloak was in pristine condition. The bags under his eyes and the general state of disrepair of his clothes implied that this man had struggled recently. But, then again, who didn't in this city. The clothes, albeit not in the best condition, didn't seem cheap. She didn't think they were particularly expensive, but she wasn't sure. The best way her mind could describe the man's apparel was by using the word strange.

The rest of his physical appearance didn't deviate too much from such a descriptor. Albeit taller than her, which means that he comfortably fits in with ninety-nine percent of the population, he couldn't be described as particularly tall. He was slightly below average in that department, as was his weight, although the latter clearly wasn't predetermined at birth. He seems to have been deprived of sustenance, was it self-caused or not remains to be seen. Although looking into his eyes Anastasia can hypothesize. Because those eyes, manic as they appeared, show one emotion clearly...

" Why aren't you answering me? Why are you here?"

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the man's voice. That is at least how Anastasia felt until she realized that she had spent the last minute staring at a person without answering their question. Or acknowledging them in any matter. It seems that the time spent alone has taken its toll on her. Such a thing can also be sad for the man in front of her, whose entire body and every word screamed that he had lacked any normal human interaction.

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