Chapter 1

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Alex was trying to understand what his algebra teacher was saying but he had something more important to think about: his appointment with Mrs Jones, the new head department of MI6. This afternoon, right after class, he would have to decide whether he wants to become an agent for the MI6 or not. A real one this time. She had asked him, at the end of his last mission, to think about it and to give her an answer and then when he would be eighteen, he could be sent, officially, on mission. In two years, he could decide to go back with the Agency or live a completely normal life. Far from the psychopaths, the assassins and governmental plots.

Mrs Jones was very well aware that Alex was a wonderful asset as an agent but as a mother she ought to let Alex decide for himself rather than forcing him into doing the job as Alan Blunt did for so many years. She would never admit it but she cared about him more than she thought so the least she could do was to give him the choice. And to be honest she didn't know if she wanted him to stay at MI6 or decline the offer and never come back.

Alex had passed on the offer to Jack and Tom, and he saw that both were expecting him to turn down the offer. Yet, it wasn't that simple. He had fought with Jack over it this morning about him quitting spy life or not. "How could you want to live like this Alex? Those past two years, I had watched you go through hell and come back to me broken. You owe them nothing! They had done enough damage!". Alex had tried to explain to her that he didn't think he could go back to living a normal life, not when he saw what bad people could do and that he could save people. The thing is that, and it was hard for Alex to admit it but, he couldn't just stay away from danger. Each time something shady occurred, he had the urge to go and find what is going on and that would never change, he can't just be blind to what's going on around him.

"Alex! Have you been paying attention to anything that I just said," his math teacher asked angrily.

"I'm sorry," he replied.

"Being sorry is not enough Alex you haven't been paying attention for weeks! Go to the principal's office. Tom, go with him."

The two boys headed to the door and once they were in the corridor, Tom asked him "What is it, mate?" On their way, Alex explained everything: his fear of joining the Agency for good, the fear of saying no to them. And the worst fear of all, disappointing Jack.

His screed stopped dead when he spotted a familiar face heading towards the lockers. Someone that had nothing to do in a high school.

"Hum Alex? Principal's is that way," said Tom as Alex was already searching for the man.

"Know that. Cover for me!" he replied, already disappearing behind the lockers' section.

Now Alex was looking for him, and he found him leaning against his locker.

"Ben! What are you doing here?"

Ben Daniels was usually someone very cheerful, but he looked dead serious which made Alex think that something bad was going on.

"Why aren't you in class? Mrs Jones said you will finish only at six o'clock."

"Well, I got expelled. What are you doing here?" he asked again, annoyed.

"We should go now then."

"My appointment is in two hours, why the rush?"

"You should talk to Mrs Jones. I am sorry Alex."

Alex didn't like the tone his friend used as if someone died... They got in a taxi and during the ride, Ben kept fidgeting and risking quick glances at Alex. The latter couldn't take it anymore.

"Fox! Would you tell me what's going on?!"

"I can't tell you."

"Don't bullshit me, Ben!"

"It's Jack, okay? It's Jack!" he exploded.

"What's with Jack? I don't understand. What is happening?"

"Someone took her, Alex," he simply replied. The agent became close to Alex's guardian after helping Alex to rescue her. They were seeing each other and became serious, and the situation was obviously weighing upon him.

"What?" Alex screamed.

They park in front of the bank used as a cover for the MI6 Headquarters and Alex burst out of the car, entered the building and ran straight to Mrs Jones's office; The guard at the entry tried to stop him as he ran past him, but Ben let him know that everything was fine. But nothing was fine. Everything was falling apart in Alex's world. Jack was missing. Again. He arrived in front of the door and entered without knocking, Ben on his tail. He had interrupted Mrs Jones's phone conversation, but she quickly hung up as she saw Alex.

"Who has her?" he asked straight to the point.

Mrs Jones smiled sadly, "A hitman called Murdoc had accepted a contract to get to you."

"I don't know that man."

"He was hired by Scorpia," Ben added.

"That doesn't make sense, we ended Scorpia, even if they are rising, they shouldn't have the means to hire a hitman!" Alex said.

"What matters is that he is working for them, and we received a message," she handed him a piece of paper.

A message written in black in a pure white printed page. 'I have your friend. Surrender if you want to see her alive again' it said and whoever sick man sent this, he added a happy smiley face at the end.

"From where was that sent?" Alex asked coldly.

"Los Angeles," Mrs Jones replied.

"They want me to go to LA? Are we sure they have taken her there?"

"It appears so, we spotted her on camera feeds in LA airport."

"But why leave the country?"

"We first thought it was to avoid you getting any back up from MI6 as it's in CIA territory, but the CIA would definitely be happy to help if they happened to know about this, so we don't know," said Ben, defeated.

"I'm taking the next flight," Alex stated.

"I'm leaving tonight on a mission so I can't go with you, but take her home, alright?," Ben asked. Alex nodded.

"I want both of you to come home, it's an order," Mrs Jones said to Alex.


This is the first chapter hope you enjoyed it! the story would soon go very fast!


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