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Stephen walks into the popular bookshop in the city, taking glances at the new stocks of books at the shelves of the store. He'd visited the store a couple times over, to look and buy the luxury books they sold. He loved just staring at the nice covers and reading the summaries of the books that got to his hands. This time, Stephen wanted to get a science nonfiction book. He passed the faces that wouldn't stop staring at his for the bookshelf containing nonfictional titles.

Stephen was about to reach for the book that caught his attention when he felt the hand that tapped on his back. Quickly, he whirled his neck to the face he recognized. The boy removed the AirPod that voiced some blues to hear what the girl that looked more matured than how he remembered her to be, said.

"Micheal told me I would find you here." he caught her last sentence.

He wasn't surprised. What a big mouth. Stephen thought aloud. He'd told Michael he was at the bookshop when he phoned to ask.

He dropped the book he was holding back on the shelf, he saw the girlies that waved at his way as they passed by, talking amongst themselves and taking glimpses at Lisabeth.

Lisabeth came further up to him, staring at his eyes, "You haven't changed at all." she admires.

The girl on the ponytail and grey miniskirt and dark jacket hanging above the sleeveless top, exposing her belly button with the shiny ring, saw the rush of overwhelming attraction for the boy flow in her heart and whole body. Lisa didn't have a day pass without thinking of him when she was in London and even during the time she dated her ex boyfriend, Liam, who she broke up with after the guilt of repeatedly dreaming of being in the boy's arms, fondling close to him. The girl had received the reaction she was expecting when she said 'it was over, to him'

Liam had shook his head and stormed out of her apartment and for the past four months, she'd never heard of him or even chanced upon his location.

"It's been five years?" She mouthed, bringing a hand out for an handshake, the boy didn't disappoint her.

Stephen was nodding.

Lisa exhales the shower of aspiration, "what are you up to?" she asks, filling the space to get more close to him. The path she'd been standing, the book girlies wants to now follow.

"I am an accountant in Chevron's company." his lips rubbed against each-other, "how was London?" Lisa was delighted he asked. She was ready to tell him her  entire experience if he gives her the whole day. The places she visited, like the zoo, beaches, restaurants for couples when she became single, and many more others.

She settled with the single sentence, "London was nice. A very nice place to live in." she replies and waited. Stephen watched her and knew there was more she wanted to say as the corner of her matted purple glossed mouth, moves.

"Go on, I'm listening." He says, taking some steps back to the literary works.

Her hand went over the outer of her gullet. Audibly and gently speaking, she asks, "Did you receive my gift. Michael said you did."

Stephen was quiet, contemplating on the words to say, "I didn't."

Lisabeth's gaze was sharp, "Why, didn't you like it?" the girl with the fox eyeliner on her clear eyelids didn't want to believe he rejected something she'd wrapped with love for him on her way down to the city. Specially made luxury fragrance for him, which she used also, and would hardly be found in the market.

Her friend, Nora, had seen when she wrapped the box, grinning with her whole heart. The girl had sat next to her on the bed, a hand came to her shoulder as she asked who it was for since she was very aware of her breakup with Liam. The lass with the bob hair wondered if she was courting someone new.
'Oh, I hope he become yours for a lifetime,' the girl had said when Lisabeth told her everything she needed to know. Most especially, the deep affections for the boy. He was the only one that could make her flicker with exhilaration and Nora saw that too.

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