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Lisa hesitated before walking into the building. She was to start working in Chevron company from henceforth. Her father's connection had made it happen. She didn't know if she should be delighted or not. Stephen didn't know about it just yet. How would his reaction be. She was thinking as she got into the elevator. She'd gotten the job as a promoter in the advertising department. They wouldn't give her the associate to the chief accountant. She wasn't qualified for the post. Lisa walked straight to her assigned space. It was smaller compared to her office in her father's corporation. She bit her lip and dropped her bag on the desk. She hadn't been able to see Stephen more often like before even during weekends. He always occupied himself with work since Roselle travelled. That was the reason she pleaded to her father to help her get a job in the company. Her father had been surprised as to why she wanted a job in another company instead of his, but had done it anyways. Lisa sat tight looking at her fellow staff walking about, talking business. She didn't know where to start from as she held her pen. She remembered she hadn't eaten anything since morning. She'd been anxious that she skipped breakfast. Lisa was searching for Stephen with her eyes like he was the air she breathed. Where was his office. She really wanted to know. Her thoughts were interrupted by a girl the same age with her wearing a crimson suit. “You must be new?“ the girl had said when she didn't recognize her face and Lisa looked at her with a nod.
“I am new. I'm Lisa Springsteen.“ She brought out her hand for some handshake.
“Bianca Lawson.“ The girl said. “This was handed to me by Mr. Rogers to share to the staffs.“ She dropped a piece of printed paper on the table. “Go through it. We are each giving our opinion concerning it during the meeting today.“ She smiled and was about to walk away when Lisa said quickly. “Do you know Stephen.“
The girl eyed her for a bit wondering why she asked. “he's the chief accountant.“ She said. Of course she knew Michael already told her he was promoted to that position.
“Can I know where his office is?“
“Yes as long as there's something tangible you want to say to him concerning business. His office is opposite the Manager's.“ Bianca was wondering why she asked. She was but a new staff how did she know him. “Mind you Stephen gets upset when he is disturbed during working.“ It sounded like a warning coming from her and not Stephen. Lisa smiled a little and said. “thanks for the information.“ Nothing was going to stop her from seeing Stephen. Not even those words, but was she ready. Bianca nodded and was catwalking away. Lisa set her eyes to the paper in front of her. It was about a project the company was about to invest on. She wasn't interested. She would have to be quiet during the meeting. She took her cell from her bag and dialed Daniella.

Stephen had just finished talking to Roselle on the phone. She told him about everything. What she ate. The books she read. The friends she'd made and so much more. Roselle wanted to keep talking to him. It was like she'd become his informant. She called him at every chance she could get. He still couldn't get the feelings of not seeing her off his chest. Her voice alone wasn't enough. He missed her greatly as he worked on his computer. He'd been informed by the secretary while on call with Roselle about the company's meeting. Stephen was preparing his speech for the hour. It was compulsory that all qualified staff gives a word on the investment plan. As of late he didn't have time for his grandma and it bothered him. It was as though when Roselle left he suddenly changed. He hardly ate or smile. He just wanted to work to escape his sadness. Stephen only smiled whenever he talks to her on the phone and then after he was sad-faced. The words went around the office unknown to him how he looked serious compared to before when he was jovial. Stephen looked at his phone ringing. It was Michael. He didn't hesitate before taking it off the table to his ear.
“What's up, Stephen.“ Stephen heard Michael's voice on the phone. “Let's have lunch later today.“
“You know I would be working, Mike.“ He wasn't interested. The company was usually closed by 4:00pm but he decides to stay until the night covers.
“Come on, why are you so hard on yourself. I know you are permitted to take a break. Bills on me.“ Michael uttered chewing a gum.
“Let's have the lunch tomorrow. I'm not in the right frame of mind for anything excitement or laughter.“ Michael knew he said that because he was missing Roselle. “Okay. Tomorrow then. I'm holding you to your words.“ he added before cutting the call off. Stephen looked at his wrist. It was time for the meeting and as usual the employees are expected to gather seconds early. He was fixing the papers on the table into their respective files and was adjusting his tie. He knew he was expected to give his words and he was prepared. The role of releasing the funds to the project was on him and that's the main reason they would want to hear his suggestion. Stephen stepped out of his office and walked to where the others were already gathered. It was as though his presence caught a lot of attention from both men and women. Stephen sat down with a small smile as they waited for the manager.
Mr. Rogers appeared a minute after him and sat before the meeting began.
Lisa had seen Stephen when he walked in and a frisson shot into her. She tried to cover her face and at the same time was excited he was there. She was praying he doesn't see her in this manner. She wanted to tell him herself. After three staffs had said something to the hearing of all, Stephen was standing. He was remarkably attractive with his irresistible blue eyes. Lisa couldn't stop staring and wishing he was her boyfriend. He kept his speech so simple and informative and there was a sounding clap. Beauty with brains. She thought aloud and wasn't surprised why he held such a position. She remembered back in highschool. Stephen was always taking the award of best student in every subject. Families wished they had him. He was special.
“It's your turn.“ A voice whispered to her and she was realizing herself.
“Huh?“ She looked at everyone gazing at her direction and her eyes were going specifically to Stephen who held a bewildered look on his clear face. She was able to read the 'what is she doing here' look. Lisa felt her legs shaking. She'd thought she would just remain quiet until the meeting was over. She didn't know that the girl meant the words she said. Her eyes recognized the girl who was watching at her with wide eyes. Lisa was embarrassed as they continued watching her. She wanted to stand up but what would she say.
“I gave a strict order that every one must say something concerning this. Weren't you informed?“ Mr. Rogers eyes shot at her. He looked like he hated indiscipline.
Lisa swallowed. She wasn't the one to be nervous or act the way she did at the moment. On a normal day she would have tendered an apology but now she didn't know if it was the people looking at her or Stephen's gaze in particular.
“This wouldn't be tolerated again.“ He said when Lisa wasn't saying anything. “thanks for your contributions.“ he walked his eyes to every one of them and stood.
 "What were you thinking?“ Bianca whispered the words to her and walked away.
Stephen was walking up to her as the other colleagues were finding their way to their corner. He was still holding the baffled look.
“What are you doing here?“ he said immediately he reached her and Lisa saw they were attracting some attention to themselves.
“I came for work.“ She said simply trying so hard to keep her cool.
“I thought you had a job somewhere else.“ he knew she had a job in her father's company.
“I wanted to expand my working experience.“ She shrugged and for a bit she felt happy that he gave her some attention.
“You make me uncomfortable.“ Stephen rolled his eyes and walked away. The words sounded like a bomb to Lisa's ears and she tried to hold the tears forcing the way out of her eyes. Was it what he felt anytime he was around her? Uncomfortable? She was thinking aloud as she ran to her desk. Her eyes were full of tears and she tried to hide them away. She was sobbing uncontrollably and was repeatedly wiping her tears when Bianca came to her.
“Are you okay?“ She was concerned as she gazed at her. “Did he say something bad to you?“ Bianca sounded nosy. She'd seen Stephen walk to her and tell her something and without delay she figured they knew each other. Lisa didn't stop crying.
“Where is the restroom.“ Her tearful voice came.
“Take the stairs to the right.“ Bianca directed with her fingers still waiting for an answer. Lisa stood and was going quickly to the restroom. She was heartbroken. How could he? The voice in her head said.

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