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Stephen strolled out of his room to the hallway when he heard the continuous ringing of the bell. He'd been on the phone long hours with Roselle after she woke him up with the call, he'd smiled the moment his blurry eyes saw the caller, the girl had sounded very happy on the phone as he answered. Stephen had glanced on the wall clock on the wall, it was past seven. Roselle had said him to be the first person she always want to talk to. Stephen smiled and got out of  the bed and showered with the ongoing call. The lass talking endlessly and him not getting tired of engaging with the conversation.

The boy didn't hurry to button up his shirt when the ringing of the bell sounded. He kissed the girl on the phone goodbye who was called by her mother before going to the door of his bedroom.

Who would it be, if it isn't Michael, Stephen had thought as he left his bed.

He was wrong when he walked out of the corridor to the look at the transparent doors. It wasn't Michael, but the girl on an anticipated look.

Stephen signed and strolled towards the door. He saw the young girl wave at him with a broad grin. She hadn't told him of her arrival, he would have made an excuse to not to see her, probably say he took Mrs Jones to the hospital.

The young boy was grateful about the woman's recovery. The medical attention really helped.

He unlocks the door.

"Hi, Stephen." Lisa grins as she walked in, sniffing the body scent from him, spinning to look at his face one more time.

Stephen combs his fingers through his hair and watched her gaze go about the spaced place quite with taste, white sofa cushions and curtains made the room look so homely. "You didn't call to say you're coming." he shuts the door.

Lisa turns to him and shrugs, "my phone is dead." She knew she said a lie.

Lisa had used some speed to dress into the short gown that exposed her arms and chest and some laps. She went for the white heeled boots that fitted the gown and spun around the full length mirror, admitting she was pretty okay. The young girl had dashed into her vehicle and started the engine, phoning her friend, Danielle, to keep her company while she drove to the boy's house. She was thankful there was no traffic on the streets as she rode on an average speed.

"where's granny." Lisa asked him and felt the urge to  touch his face. She wanted just them to be together, alone, sitting and talking about life lately.

Stephen was headed for his room, "In her room." he calls. Lisa wasn't pleased that he was walking away and not tagging with her to see his grandmother. She frowned and went to the woman's bedroom at the east side. It was a very wide and nice area with the large bed and pillows, two armchairs at the corner of the bed. She saw the picture of Stephen, his mother and the unfamiliar girl in a green dress and flowing hair, grinning while the young boy held around her body, squeezing herself to his skin with the warmth of his gaze on her. Lisabeth nearly fell to sit on the crystal floor as she watched pointedly at the girl who looked younger.

Michael had taken the photo that Stephen made a frame. The persons on the image were the two special people in his life. Grandma jones had wanted the picture to be placed in her room, just as it was in his and she got her request.

"How're you?" The question was sounding as though she asked, 'who she was,' The girl didn't know the woman was watching her from where she laid on the bed, covered with the blankets that stopped on her chest. Lisa blinked away the tears welling up in her eyelids, her face hot, and she whirled her neck to see the woman, having the same eyes with Stephen, who wasn't aging at all.

"Grandma, it's I, Lisabeth." she pretends to be happy and showed her teeth. She moved closer to give her a hug, imagining it was Stephen, Lisabeth stayed a little longer before letting go.

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