11. Big News & Family Changes

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(A/N) This chapter will not include a spanking. It does include a big change in the story so I recommend still reading it. This chapter will take place in Kennan's POV.

TW: Abortion

Kennan's POV:
It's been about two weeks since my birthday party. It was really fun and I'm glad Skylar could be apart of it. Skylar has been more distant this past week. I don't know why I should probably try texting her about it.

Kennan: Hey! Would you wanna come over today?
Skylar: Can't.
Kennan: Everything okay?
Skylar: I'm fine.

That's weird she's never this short with me. Maybe I should go over and check on her. I don't wanna overstep and nothing be wrong. I'm really worried about her. I decide to risk it. I grab my keys and let my parents know where I'm going.

"I'm going over to Skylar's i'll be back in a little bit." I tell my parents as they're sitting in the living room. "Alright, be safe!" My mom tells me. Juliet and Cody aren't home today. Juliet is at a friend's house and Cody is at a birthday party for his friend.

I arrive at Skylar's house and knock on the door. Her mom's car is in the driveway so I know she's home. A few moments later the door opens. "Hello Kennan, please come in." Skylar's mom says. "Skylar's up in her room." She says. "Thank you ma'am." I say.

I walk upstairs and knock on Skylar's door. I hear her get up, coming to open the door. When she sees it's me she looks shocked. She lets me in and I sit on her bed. She sits next to me.

"Why have you been distant this past week?" I ask her. "It's nothing." Skylar says. "Do you regret doing it?" I ask her. "No it's just-." Skylar shuts down. I wish I knew what to say. "It's something bigger Kennan." I look at her confused. She walks into her bathroom and comes out with two sticks. She puts them in my hand. "I-I'm pregnant." She whispers. I look up at her surprised. Fuck. I knew this would happen. I didn't have any condoms because my parents don't want me having sex in the first place. "Does your mom know?" I ask. "No! She would kill me." Skylar says. "Maybe we can tell her together, then maybe she'll take it better." I suggest. She sits down next to me. "I don't know." She says. I take her hands into mine and rub them. "We'll get through this, I promise!" I say. "Let's tell her. Be prepared for her to get angry though." Skylar says. I nod and follow her downstairs.

Her mom is on the sofa watching something on tv. "Mama, may we speak to you?" Skylar says. "Sure." She says and pauses the tv. Me and Skylar sit on the couch next to her mom's seat. "So, me and Kennan did something. And I-I'm pregnant." Skylar says. Skylar's hands are shaking badly. I grab them and hold them in my hands. Her mom instantly gets up and has an angry look on her face. "You're what!" Her mom yells. "Well you'll be getting rid of it!" Her mom yells. I look at Skylar surprised. "No I won't! It's my baby!" Skylar says getting worked up. "I told you not to fall down the same path as me!" Skylar's mom yells. "You will either get an abortion or get out of my house!" I see Skylar's face fall and she storms up to her room. "I assume you did this!" Skylar's mom yells at me. I swallow hard scared. "Yes ma'am." She scoffs and shakes her head.

I run up to Skylar's room. She's packing a bag full of clothes. "I obviously can't stay here, i'll find somewhere to go." Skylar says as she sees me enter the room. "You can stay with me, we'll talk to my parents." I tell her. "No thanks, I don't want you losing your family like I did." Skylar says. "I won't, please just come back with me." I plead. She turns around and I can tell she's been crying. "Fine." She says. I take her bag for her and we go out to my car. She climbs into the passenger seat and I put her bag in the back. "I'm so sorry I got us into this! I promise my parents will understand and help us get through this!" I tell Skylar. "Thank you." She says and smiles at me.

We arrive back at my house and I grab her bag for her. We go inside and my parents are still in the living room. I sit Skylar's bag by the stairs so we can talk to them. "Mom, Dad, We need to talk to you." I say standing in front of them. They look at us confused but let me talk. I explain what happened from first arriving at Skylar's house to us leaving. My mom instantly gets up and gives Skylar a big hug. "I'm so sorry dear!" My mom says. "I understand if you don't want me to stay here." Skylar says looking down. "You will definitely be staying here!" My mom says smiling at Skylar. "We will help you both get through this. This isn't what we wanted but we are both here for you two." My dad says hugging me. "Thank you." I say. "I'm sorry your mom kicked you out. I promise you, you can stay here from now on!" My dad tells Skylar. "Thank you sir." Skylar says smiling at me.

Kennan already has a double bed but we'll bring the dresser in from the guest room for you. Then we can turn the guest room into a nursery." My mom says. "Thank you Mrs. Emerson. I appreciate all the support from both of you!" Skylar says looking at my dad. "I've always wanted grandkids, I didn't expect it to happen this way but I'm still happy." My mom says. "I'm gonna set you up a doctor's appointment to check on the baby. Why don't you go rest dear." My mom says. "Thank you." Skylar says and goes upstairs.

Both of my parents look at me. "We're going to help you both through this son." My dad says. "Thank you. I'm really sorry." I say looking down. "Hey, it's okay! We're glad you brought Skylar to us so we can help you guys!" My mom says. I smile at them and give them both a hug. I'm so glad I have my parents to help us through this.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is a big change in the story and I hope you like it! Please comment and vote!
-Naz <3

Word Count: 1,136 Words

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