5. Grandparents

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This chapter will include Dave's parents, his moms name is Susie and his dads name is Byron.

Discipline: Byron/Cody (M/M) Hand | Byron/Kennan (M/M) Belt | Susie/Juliet (F/F) Hairbrush

Dave's POV:
Amanda got a call about an hour ago that her mom was very sick, it's possibly covid. We're packing our stuff and driving over to the hospital in a few minutes. My mom and dad are gonna stay with the kids while we're with Amanda's mom and dad at the hospital.

"Honey, you almost ready?" I ask Amanda. "Y-yeah. I just feel like i'm forgetting something." She says. Suddenly she starts breaking down crying. I bring her into a close hug. "Shh your okay." I say rubbing her back. "But what if my mom doesn't recover." She says looking up at me with tears in her eyes. "She will, your mom is one of the strongest people I know!" I say smiling at her. "Yeah your right." She says snuggling into me.

We go through everything we might need and she has everything. "Alright we're set to go!" I say as I hear a knock on the door. "I'll go get it, can you bring our bags to the living room?" Amanda asks me. "Yes ma'am." I say smiling at her. She giggles at me.

Susie(Dave's mom) POV:
We knock on the door and Amanda lets us in. "Hi honey, how are you doing?" I ask her. "I'm alright." She says. I give her a hug comforting her. "Thank you Mrs. Emerson." Amanda says.

Dave comes out a few seconds later with there bags. "Alright, we're ready. We'll probably be gone a few nights." Dave says. "Alright honey, we can stay here as long as you need." I say. He gives me a hug and then they leave. It's after dinner time so we won't need to feed the kids. We decide to go up and check on them.

First we go into Kennan's room. We knock and he tells us to come in. "Hi Kennan!" I say after me and Byron walk in. "Hi grandma and grandpa!" We just wanted to come check on you." I say. "Well i'm just working on homework." He says. "Well we won't bother you then." He gives us a smile and then we leave.

Next we go into Juliet's room. We knock with her too. "Hi sweetie!" We say greeting her. "Hi!" She says gleefully. She gets off her bed and hugs us both. Juliet's always been a hugger. "How are you darling?" I ask her. "I'm good." She says. "Do you have any homework tonight?" Byron asks Juliet. "No sir, I already finished it." She says happily. "Good job, we'll we're gonna go check on Cody now." She nods her head and goes back to drawing. She's always been a very good artist.

Lastly we go to Cody's room. We walk in and are shocked at what we see. He's coloring on the walls. "Cody Emerson!" Byron yells. Cody jumps and looks at us. "I thought your mother just punished you for this last week!" Byron says crossing his arms. He looks down. "I expect an answer little boy!" Byron says. "Yes she did." He says very quietly. "Then you should know better!" Byron continues. "I'm sorry grandpa!" Cody whines. "You will be, your getting spanked for this!" Byron tells Cody. "Noooo!" Cody starts whining hitting the floor. "You are acting like bath! Stop that Cody!" Byron says picking him up and smacking him once on each cheek.


Byron sits on Cody's bed putting him across his lap. He pulls down Cody's pants and undies.


"OWIE Grandpa stopppp!" Cody cries and whines out.


Byron lands another five smacks. "I'm sorryyy!" Cody cries.


"Your lucky that's all you got this time." Byron says picking up Cody and rocking him. "Your okay now, your all forgiven." Cody ends up falling asleep he must have been really tired from school on top of that spanking he just got. Byron tucks him in and we leave his room.

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