4. Threats and Parties

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Kennan's POV:
There's this party I really want to go to because all of my friends are going but I know my parents won't allow me to go. I hate how strict my parents are sometimes.

My parents come in about twenty minutes later. "Good night honey." My mom says kissing me on the head. "Night mom." I say smiling at her. "Night bud." My dad says hugging me, I hug him back. I know it's the weekend but don't stay up to late, alright?" My dad says. "Yes, sir." After that they walk out. Maybe I can get Juliet to cover for me.

I go to her room and walk-in. "Do you not know how to knock?" She says scoffing. "Jeez someone has an attitude." I say. "Just get out if your gonna be an ass." She says rolling her eyes. "Ooo don't let dad hear you. You might get your mouth washed out again." I say teasing her. "Oh my god leave or i'm getting dad." She says trying to scare me.

"Fine jeez i just wanted to ask you something. Could you cover for me tonight? I'm gonna sneak out." I tell her. She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Heck No!" She says. "Come on, just this once." I beg, she just shakes her head no.

"Fine guess i'll just have to.. cut up your stuffed lamb if you don't cover for me." I see her eyes turn huge. "You wouldn't!" She says getting off her bed. "Don't cover for me and you'll find out." I say laughing. "Fine." She says in a low voice. After that I leave to go get ready for the party.

Dave's POV:
"Shoot I forgot to get my laptop out of my car. I'll be right back Amanda." I tell her. "Alright." She says smiling up at me as she's reading her book.

I go downstairs to grab my keys and there not on the table where I always leave them. That's weird. I look everywhere for my keys and can't find them. Maybe I left them in my car. I go outside to search my car and it's gone. My car is gone.

I hurry inside and upstairs to tell Amanda someone stole my car. I was gonna go to our room but I hear crying. I knock on Juliet's door. "Y-Yes?" Juliet asks. I walk in and see her with a tear stained face. I sit on her bed next to her. "What's wrong honey?" I ask concerned. She looks up at me her lip quivering. She leans in to me trying to tell me what happened. "Shh your okay." I tell her rubbing her back.

She sits up after a few minutes and looks at me. "Kennan said I had to cover for him when he snuck out, and said if I told you he would cut up Martha, my stuffed lamb." She says about to cry again. "I'm so sorry daddy! I should have came to you as soon as he left my room!" She says starting to cry again. "Hey, look at me." She looks up at me. "This is not your fault he's gonna be in big trouble! You are not in any trouble at all! I promise you he will not be cutting her up, I will make sure of it!" I tell her rubbing her back. She nods and snuggles into me. "Thank you daddy." She says sniffling. "Why don't you come in our room for a little bit, alright?" She nods and follows me.

"Is everything okay?" Amanda asks as soon as we walk in. "No." I say bluntly. "Kennan snuck out, stole my car, and threatened to cut up Martha if Juliet didn't keep it a secret." I say not happy at all. Amanda's face goes from shocked to angry to scared. "Why would he do something like this! He doesn't even have his permit or license!" She says. "I know, I'm gonna try calling him." I say.

I call Kennan. No answer. "He didn't answer." I sigh. "I'll wait up for him to get home." Amanda nods. "Can I sleep with you guys tonight?" Juliet asks. "Of course honey." Amanda says patting the bed. "I'm gonna go wait in the living room for him." I tell Amanda and Juliet.

I wait in the living for about 3 hours before Kennan comes home. As soon as he walks through the door and puts my keys down I flip the lights on. He looks up with wide eyes realizing how much trouble he's in.

"So Juliet snitched?" He said annoyed. I scoff as that's the first thing he says, I'm so annoyed with this boy. "You can march your sorry butt up to your room, you are in big trouble young man!" I say point upstairs. "No! It's her fault she shouldn't have been such a snitch!" Kennan says, tons of attitude rolling off of his tongue. I'd had enough. I grab him by his arm turn him around and start smacking his butt.

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