39. Visiting Grandma

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Discipline: Dave/Kennan & Juliet (M/M & F) Scolding Amanda/Juliet (F/F) Scolding

Today everyone is leaving to head to Amanda and Adam's grandma's house, so Dennis' mother. Adam, Christine, and Chloe will be riding with Dennis and Patricia. Then Skylar and Kennan will be riding with Dave, Amanda, Juliet, and Cody.

Byron and Susie offered to watch the babies. It's a six hour road trip so Skylar thought it wouldn't be best to bring the babies. So Skylar prepared milk for them and they are being left with Susie and Byron.

They are leaving at ten in the morning so they can be to her house by dinner time. They are spending the night but staying at a hotel nearby, since she lives in a one bedroom house.

It's now nine in the morning, so they have one hour to get everything and get on the road. Everyone is supposed to be at Dennis and Patricia's house by nine-fifty.

"Do we have everything we need?" Amanda asks. "I think so, I went through the list and everything's there." Dave says. "Okay good, we have Cody's stuff, Juliet's packing her own bag, so we should be good." Amanda says to herself.

Meanwhile in Kennan and Skylar's room, Skylar's getting the baby stuff packed while Kennan gets a few things for them two. Skylar walks in a moment later with the babies bags, she may have overpacked for them a bit. "Babe.." Kennan says trying not to laugh. "What?" Skylar says oblivious.

"We'll only be gone for a little over twenty four hours." Kennan explains. "I know, I know." Skylar smiles. "I just want your grandparents to have everything they'll need." Skylar says. "Alright." Kennan laughs. "I think we have everything we need, I'll take the bags downstairs." Kennan says. Skylar heads back into the nursery to nurse the babies before putting them into the carriers.

Kennan carries all the bags down stairs near the door to take out when they're ready. As Kennan's about to head back upstairs, Amanda calls for him. "Yes ma'am?" Kennan says. "Can you make sure your sister is packed and ready. Your grandfather will have a cow if we're late." Amanda says. "Yes ma'am." Kennan says with a smile.

Kennan heads back upstairs, checking on Skylar first to see her just finishing nursing Eden. "Hey." Skylar smiles. "Hey, my mom wants me to make sure Juliet's packed, then I'll help with the babies." Kennan explains. Skylar nods and starts nursing Elliot.

Kennan knocks on Juliet's door and she lets him in. "Yeah?" Juliet asks while drawing in her sketchbook. "Are you packed?" Kennan asks. "I will soon." Juliet says. "We have to leave in a half hour, start packing!" Kennan says annoyed. "You can't tell me what to do!" Juliet argues. "Fine, I'll just get mom and dad then." Kennan says. "Wait! I don't wanna be grounded longer!" Juliet says.

Juliet's been grounded for the past six weeks for what her and Chloe did to Cody. She only has one week of grounding left and is trying to behave. She tried to ask her parents to spank her instead but they wouldn't. After Kennan threatens to get there parents she finishes packing.

Kennan heads back to the nursery to get Eden changed into a new onesie and diaper, then gets her into her carrier. After Skylar is done nursing Elliot, Kennan does the same thing for him. "Are we all ready to go?" Kennan asks. "I think so." Skylar says. "Alright, I'm going to go drop them off at my grandma and grandpas then I'll meet you guys there, okay?" Kennan says. "Sounds good." Skylar says and gives Kennan a kiss.

Kennan explains his plan to his parents before getting the babies and there things into his car. It takes Kennan about five minutes to get to his grandparents house. Once he arrives his grandma rushes out to help with the babies. "Hi honey!" Susie smiles. "Hi grandma, how are you?" Kennan asks while getting Eden out. "I'm good! Here I can take her!" Susie says. "Thank you."

Kennan brings in Elliot, then brings in all there bags. "Skylar may have overpacked a little bit." Kennan laughs. "Nonsense, there's no such thing as overpacking for babies." Susie explains. Kennan nods and smiles. "I should probably get headed that way. Me and Skylar appreciate you guys doing this for us." Kennan says. "Of course honey, any excuse to spend with my great grandkids." Susie smiles. Kennan gives Susie a hug before heading to his other grandparents house.

Kennan arrives at the house and everyone is pretty much ready to go. Kennan is just going to leave his car here and drive it back home tomorrow.

Before they leave Dennis explains they will be stopping for lunch around one at a diner. He makes sure to tell everyone the address in case they need to make pit stops.

Before they get in the car Chloe stops Adam. "Can me and Juliet ride together?" Chloe asks. "No, you won't even be able to sit by her." Adam explains. "Dad please!" Chloe begs. "I said no, now get into the car." Adam says. Chloe rolls her eyes and gets into the car. Adam sighs and gets in after Chloe. 'This is going to be a long car ride.' Adam thinks to himself.

They're on the road for about an hour when Dave and Amanda hear Kennan and Juliet start fighting. Dave sighs looking back at them through the

"Can I use your charger, my phone didn't charge last night." Kennan asks Juliet. "No, I'm using it." Juliet says and rolls her eyes. "Your phones literally all the way charged!" Kennan says getting mad. "Kennan, calm down." Skylar says rubbing his arm. Kennan takes a deep breath trying to calm down.

This is when Dave intervenes. "Juliet, if your phone is fully charged, let your brother use the charger." Dave says. "But dad!" Juliet whines. "Now! And stop that whining, young lady!" Dave scolds. Juliet sighs and throws the charger back at Kennan, clipping him in the face. Amanda was about to turn around but saw what happened.

"Juliet! We don't do that!" Amanda scolds. "It's not like he's hurt!" Juliet says with plenty of attitude. "When we stop next, you're getting whooped." Amanda says shaking her head. "Wait, mom please no!" Juliet cries. "It's too late for that, young lady!" Amanda says. Juliet sighs and silently cries. "You're lucky we're not extending your grounding." Dave scolds. "Yes sir, I'm sorry."

1:00 p.m.

Everyone's been in the car for about three hours, so everyone's getting hungry. They arrived at the diner just right on time. Dennis had everyone look up the menu and decide, so they could order fast.

Lunch at the diner was very successful, the ordering and service was fast. Then everyone ate in a timely fashion, which Dennis was happy about. While they waited on their food, Amanda had a talk with Juliet.

"Come on, outside Juliet." Amanda says leading Juliet outside to a bench. "What happened?" Dennis asks Dave. "She had an attitude about something in the car." Dave says not wanting to go into all the details. Chloe feels bad for her cousin, since she's been in trouble a lot lately. It's like Chloe and Juliet switched places, Chloe used to be a huge troublemaker.

Amanda and Juliet sit on the bench, and Juliet waits for her to start talking. "I'm not going to spank you here, but you may be getting a spanking at the hotel tonight." Amanda explains. "Yes ma'am." Juliet says nodding. "If you behave perfectly the rest of the trip, I'll let you off with a three day extra grounding when we get home." Amanda says. Juliet nods then gives her a mom a hug.

Afterwards they head back inside and a few minutes later they all eat. Once everyone's done eating they get back on the road. Amanda switches to driving so Dave can take a break, since he's been driving for three hours.

The rest of the drive went by smoothly, all the kids taking a nap at some point. They arrived at Dennis' mother's house at six-ten. So ten minutes later than  expected, but there was some bad traffic.

Once they arrive they all head up to the door and Dennis knocks. A minute later Dennis' mother, Abigail answers. "Hi mama." Dennis smiles. "Denny! Hi!" Abigail says and hugs her son. Abigail is the only person who is allowed to call Dennis, Denny."

Abigail welcomes them all in and they spend the next few hours enjoying a dinner, and having good conversation. Dennis really enjoyed spending some time with his mother. Skylar really enjoyed meeting her, and Abigail was happy such a sweet girl was added to the family. Overall it was a very successful family trip!

(A/N): I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I know it's not as long as the my past few! I want everyone to know there will only be one more chapter for this book after this one! But don't worry I'm making a second book to follow this family!
-Naz <3

Word Count: 1,539 Words

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