Chapter 2: Day 1-The Boat.

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Cam's alarm could be heard ringing though the walls of the house, 4:00am early start to catch the Boat to Tasmania, Y/n stirred in her sleep moaning and throwing a pillow over her head to muffle the sound of buzzing she could hear. Footsteps and the shower running was Fitz getting ready for the day ahead. 4:25am Cam knocked on Y/n bedroom door to wake her, she groaned and took the pillow off her head. "Come in" she said sleepily and sat up. Fitz opened the door and walked in with a mug of tea he had made for her, like he does every morning. "It's too early." She squinted her eyes at the bright light emitting from the hall was through her door fame Fitz was now standing in blocking most of the harsh light.

"Come on, I made you tea" Cam said walking further into her room sitting on the bed at her feet handing her the cup which she gratefully took.

"you always make me tea" she smiled blowing the steam that was coming from the mug and took a sip.

"its our tradition, can't turn my back on tradition can I?" Cam smiled and let out a light laugh.

"nah I guess not, so you ready to go get sunny?" Y/n asked taking another sip from the mug.

"you going dressed like that the boys will have a field day." Cam said looking her up and down as she was dressed in a baggy top and some shorts for her sleeping clothes.

"but I don't wanna get dressed I'm so comfy." She wined.

"come on Y/n get dressed." Cam stood up taking the cup from her had and she protested with a moan, and he proceeded to place the mug on her bedside table and grab both of her arms by the wrists and pull her to sit up more. "Tobi will be here any minute so we can go pick up sunny."

"Finnnne" she groaned "but only because Tobi coming round." She smiled and started to get out of bed.

"I'll be in the living room" Cam said walking to the door. "Get Dressed" and he left shutting the door behind him not before turning on her light.

"Okay Dad." She mumbled.

"I heard that" Cam shouted from behind the door. She laughed and got up to get dressed for the day ahead.


Y/n got dressed in the same clothes she was wearing the day before some blue jeans and the tarot moon top but swapping the blue uncomfortable scratchy jeans for some white sweatpants. She brushed her hair and headed into the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her normal morning routine. 5am rolled around and Cam and Y/n where sat on the sofa waiting for Tobi to arrive, Y/n sat with her second cup of tea in her hand and Cam scrolling on his phone. The door bell rang and Y/n got up to answer the door.

"Well good morning princess." Tobi said stepping inside as soon as Y/n had answered the door.

"Good morning my Queen, how are you this fine morning?" Y/n laughed giving Tobi a kiss on the cheek.

"Tried mate, so fucking tired." Tobi sighed and walked with Y/n into the living room.

"you could say that again" Y/n laughed and looked over to Cam who was stood holding his and Y/n suitcases for the trip.

"she's been difficult this morning." Cam huffed and shook his head.

"my Y/n? no never" Tobi said sarcastically and laughed.

"Whatever cunts lets get going" Y/n turned on her heals and took off down the hallway to the front door.

"She's never been a morning person." Cam said to Tobi as he wheeled the suitcases towards her.


"What the fuck are you looking at?" Cam said swinging his arms back and forth as one of the crew held the camera. "Can't you see were having a really terrible, stressful morning? Our car won't start."

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