chapter 4: Day 3- LOOT MOUNTAIN

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"Ah what the fuck." Tobi yawned stretching. "My back kills. Oh my god." Cam turned over and gave Tobi a tired look.

"Can you shut up, its too early." Cam mumbled. "And Y/n's still asleep."

"Ah sorry mate, if I could get to the edge of the tent and scoot past you two, I gotta take a leak." Tobi said quietly noisily rustling her sleeping bag making Y/n stir in her sleep, Cam just hugged her tighter to keep her asleep.  "Ah she's so cute when she's asleep."

"Yeah, we've been cuddling all night she wouldn't let go of me." Cam accidentally admitted and pushed a stray hair behind her ear.

"You soppy cunts, now move I'm gonna piss myself." Tobi scrambled out of the tent and zipped it back up after leaving.

"Do you have to be so loud?" Y/n said yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"well good morning sweetheart" Cam smiled widely at her.

"Ah, Cam" She said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"you can let go of me now." She slightly blushed.

"But do I have too you're so warmmmm" He hugged her waist closer to him and sighed with a contempt smile on his face. Just then a banging was heard on the side of the tarp on top of the tent.

"Oi, if you two cunts are fucking in there at least try and keep it down so we don't have to hear it!" The voice said clearly it was Mason.

"Fuck off Cunt we aren't fucking!" Cam shouted back and Y/n hid her burning red face in her hands.


Swags, Cam, Mason, Y/n and Matt were sat round the newly lit campfire as the camera panned from the lake onto them, and Tobi started to talk "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the tenth annual round up and rape of the forest." And the group sat at the fire laughed. Swagger was burning a large stick and Matt leaned over to let Swagger light his Cigg with the stick that now had small flame at the tip.

"Ah the fires so hot" Matt said sitting back in his chair with his freshly lit cigg with Mason sat next to him also smoking.

"I'm getting pretty alarmed at how much ciggie content we have" Fitz said.

"I'm gonna get addicted and quit before he does" Matt said pointing over to Mason. "it's gonna be funny".

"If you actually wanna get addicted you gotta really get it in your lungs" Y/n said puffing of Fitz's vape she still had.

"Yeah, so give it a suck and then give it another suck after the cigarettes out of your mouth." Tobi said, "but don't actually, coz it's not worth it".


Matt was walking around the small corner of their campsite holding a wooden baseball bat twilling it in his hand. Y/n perked up in her seat watching him. "Oi Matt!" She called for his attention. "Do the twilight thing!" She smiled.

"The fucking what?" Matt Questioned back confused. Fitz huffed and stood from his chair and held out his hand for the bat, Matt shrugged his shoulders and handed over the bat. Fitz took the bat holding the end and flipped it over his hand a few times then caught it, tapping the end he flipped it to the opposite end and back catching it again and proceed to hit an imaginary ball.

"What does that even mean?" Matt questioned. "How did you know what that was?"

"When you live with that fucker you HAVE to watch all the twilight movies back-to-back" Fitz pointed the bat to Y/n who had the most giddiest smile on her face, happy that her request had been fulfilled. "You're welcome." Fitz bowed, handed the bat back to Matt who was trying to do the same thing Fitz had done and failing dropping the bat, walked back to sit next to her.

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