Chapter 3: Day 2- CAMPING

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It was a bright sunny morning in Tasmania Y/n was leaning on her car beside Matt's Honda, she pulled her Sunnie's she had on her head over her eyes, she was wearing some Heavly ripped blue denim jeans, a White top and multiple shades of green and cream cropped cardigan she borrowed from Tobi a bit big for her but comfy non the less "Here you are" Y/n said handing Matt the whiteboard markers she kept in her backpack for when ever she got inspiration for sketching or drawing.

Matt decided he wanted to draw on the Honda some more, so Y/n lent him a whiteboard marker and he started to outline the Gamersubs logo writing 'code Misfits' under it, as he was just finishing up some women walked past talking to another person saying "a guy in a pink suit driving a pink limo Happy Birthday I bet!"

"Did you hear them talking" Matt looked up shocked "you say you saw a pink limo?" he shouted across the lot at them.

"Yeah, we've seen it too, its weird" Swagger says back to them. Y/n laughed leaning on the hood of her car, when suddenly a man in a van shouted an "oi!" at the trio.

"Hey!" swagger shouted back.

"You sound like swaggersouls" the man said.

"Oh, that's crazy" Swagger says back.

"Yeah, that's crazy." The man said shutting the door.

"Oh, its fucking insane!" Swagger turns back to Matt who was still doodling on the car.

"Fuck there's no way" the man says opening the van door again.

"Ah no there isn't." Swagger turns back. "I wonder why there's a pink limo?"

"I wonder why he thinks you sound like swaggersouls" Y/n laughed back.

"Yeah, it's really weird" Swagger joined in.

"Are you's alright for a photo?" the man from the van walked up to the group with his friend.

"Yeah sure" Swagger said and him and Matt posed for a few pictures with them.

"sick thanks lads" the man said.

"yeah no worries" swags said back.

"it's a work of art" Matt said looking and pointing to his finished doodle. Y/n nodded and laughed taking her marker back. "alright lets go!" Matt shut the car door and locked it.


The camping store kind of smelled like a damp towel and cheep plastic, it was big and spacious, clothes hung on rails and all kinds of equipment and toys for kids on shelfs, Mason was seen shopping in the toy isle of course, where else. Y/n, Tobi and Cam where in the mattress isle looking for a suitable bed for the three of them. "Tobi this could be us" Fitz pointed to the clearly happy couple laying on an air mattress.

"Oh, that could be us" Tobi replied.

"oi cunts what about me, I'm part of the team as well." Y/n said crossing her arms.

"okay yeah you too, wait its got an automatic pumper?" Tobi said.

"that will be handy" Y/n said picking up the box to put it in the cart.

"woah that's double mattresses for three people" Fitz said.

"well unless you want me sharing with Swags and Matt in their no-homo 4 people sleeping bag then you'll just have to deal with the tent being a little crowded.

"put it in the trolly" Fitz said.

"that's what I thought Mr Fittzy" Y/n said patting his cheek leaving him with the cart to see where Tobi had wondered off to.

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