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Hi I'm Aya Jean Fernandez, AJ for short. I'm not really pretty, I'm just a normal girl who goes to a normal school. Sai University is the name of the school I go to.I'm on my way to meet up with my best friend, her name is Lyn Garcia. We've been friends for more than 4 years, we have a lot in common-we like hangin out, listenin to music, we even laugh at things for no reason.

Aya's POV

"Aya!" I turned around to see who was calling me, it was Lyn

"Lyn, hi"

"Hey, let's go somewher after school" -Lyn

"okay, sure" i respond


the day is finally over !!

*bzzt* *bzzt*

1 new message

from: Best-Lyn

Meet me outside, at the gate :)

I forgot, we planned to go somewhere today -.- *sigh*

to: Best-Lym

ahryt, on my way

As I was walking through the hallway, I bumped into someone. I wasn't able to say sorry or even see his face cause he was in a rush, oh well. I finally got out of the campus and I saw Lyn waiting, I went to approach her.

"Oh , hi! :D " -Lyn


"shall we?" -Lyn

"sure, where we goin anyway?"

"just a place"-Lyn

So we took off and stopped at a 7-eleven store, we usually go here when I'm not busy or anything.

"Lyn!"-unknown voice

we turn around and check who it is.It was Chloe, Lyn's cousin

"oh hey Chloe, what are you doing here?" Lyn said

"just waiting for Kyle"-Chloe


Lyn turns to me and gives me this look [ O_O ] and I give the same look, it's cause she talks about Kyle often and I really wanna meet him, I know how he looks like cause Lyn showed me some pictures of him since they tend to hangout often. So instead of going home, I stayed and waited for him to show up and atlas,after a few minutes, he arrived with some guy who I don't know. I remember seeing them earlier this morning on my way to school.

Lyn's POV

Okay, so Kyle is here and Aya is like I dunno. It feels kinda awkward, anyway's let me introduce myself. I'm Lyn Garcia,official BFF of Aya Jean Fernandez, haha. Well okay so, about Kyle, he is a really handsome guy who I met at a party and we kinda had a few drinks and got to know each other. From then on we continued to be friends and I also got his number :). BACK TO REALITY

"hey Lyn, I'm going ahead" -Aya

" oh okay, Let me accompany you outside"

I went outside and accompany Aya to get a ride home. When she boarded, I smiled at her as I waved. I rushed back inside the 7-eleven store and had a nice talk with my friends, it was getting pretty late so we all went home and go our separate ways.

    *The Next Day*

I texted Aya that I was gonna wait for her so we could go to school together. I'm with Kyle right now, he said he was going to give me something. After about 5 minutes, I  saw Aya. I waved at her then smiled, she approached me and just stood there staring at me and him.

"oh yeah, Aya this is Kyle...Kyle, Aya" -I said while introducing them to each other

* :) * - Kyle 

* :) * * wave * -Aya

Kyle's POV

       * :) * I smiled as I saw this girl Lyn introduced to me. She was kinda cute, she also seems shy.

I turned my attention back at Lyn and gave her something, I gave her a gift, it was a necklace. FYI, I kinda like Lyn, she's nice and pretty and just great.

 "Hey, Kyle we gotta go. Bye ! :) " -Lyn

"Ahryt" I said as I turned my back and went to get a ride to meet up with my friends. We're gonna have fun today :) since we had noting to do. Oh, about school ? we go to the University of Swag, we only go to school once a week, so yeah it's a cool school. Well, enough about those stuff, I'm here at a fastfood area with my friends Nick and Ethan. After eating we went to the Arcade and the Movies then went home.

         As I got home I went and took a bath, changed my clothes and texted Lyn.

Here's our convo:

Me: Hey :)

Lyn: Hi , how was your day? :)

Me: it was great, how 'bout yours :)

Lyn: it was ahryt :) what you up to ?

Me: Just lyin down and txting you.

Lyn: oh , well good night :) , I'm off to sleep.

Me: Good night :)

Aya's POV 

      Oh man what a day! *sigh*

Things I Did Today:



-hang-out with friends

-met Ky--

O_O ! I froze as I remembered meeting Kyle earlier today

     *Flash Back*

As I arrived to where I was going to meet Lyn, I froze and saw this really cute guy who was talking to Lyn. I started to text while waiting for Lyn 'cause she was talking to that cute guy, then she started introducing us to each other.

 "oh yeah, Aya this is Kyle...Kyle, Aya" -Lyn

*I just smiled and wave and he smiled back* 

Oh my O_O he is so cute !!- I thought to myself

well, ater Kyle gave something to Lyn, we took off to school

     *End of Flashback* 


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