Chapter 1: Our Story Begins

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Aya's POV

    So I was checking my Facebook Account then I recieve a friend request, it was from Kyle so I accepted it. He chatted with me and asked stuff about me and he also got my number. Me and Kyle became close even though we just kept texting each other. There were times when I saw him and just smiled on my way to school, there were also times he saw me but I didn't see him.

   It was a sunday, I was on my way home from Church when suddenly I recieved a text from Lyn.

1 new message

Best-Lyn : He just told me he likes me! O_O

me:Oh em ghie! O_O  what did you do ?

Best-Lyn:I ran outside. hehe

 me: woah, where are you?

Best-Lyn: the usual..

    I already knew where she was, at 7-eleven, since that's where they always go. As I reached the place where she was and I got down. I saw Kyle walking back to his friends with Chloe (Lyn's cousin) I also saw Lyn at the other side of the road texting, I shouted her name and she saw me. She texted me to go where she was, so I did what she said.

"dude, what happend?"

 "he was like--Lyn, I really like you and I was like uuhhmm..and he was like Will you be my girlfriend? , then I just ran outside 'cause I didn't know what to say " -Lyn

"haha, okay well wanna take a walk ?"

"sure" - Lyn

   So we went on to take a walk then went home. 

*After two weeks*

     It was July 30, Lyn's birthday also it's the day before my birthday. I thought of something  I could do for her.


   I'm gonna get her a cake :) 

Lyn's POV 

    good morning sun :) What a wonderful morning! It's my birthday :D !!! I wonder what should I do today?  hhmm?..  oh I know! I'm going shopping, then eat , then probably go visit Aya. So I got dressed then went to the mall, I bought this really cute shirt and dress I also bought some shoes. After I went shopping, I was on my way to eat, then I suddenly recieve a call from Aya.


"Lyn, have you eaten yet?" -Aya

"I was just about to go and do that"

"well why don't  you come by at my place first" - Aya

"Fine, but there better be food or else"

"Yes.. just hurry"

    So I went on and started walking to  get a cab  then I bumped into someone

"oh I'm sorry" -says the guy I bumped in to

     I looked at the guy and it was...


"Lyn? .. Hey! Happy Birthday! :D" -Kyle

"haha thanks.. so how's it goin?"

 "going great , hey listen about  that da--" I cut him off before he was able to finish his sentence

'"yeah, I've been thinking about it and I kinda like you too :) " I said

"so is  that a yes?" -Kyle

"yes :)"

     Kyle smiled and  hugged me, I was shocked of what he did so I just hugged back.

"thanks Lyn"

   I pulled away and said I had o go see Aya, so he told me that he was gonna call me soon and we parted ways. I texted Aya to let her know I was coming. As I arrived at her place, I opened the door and it was kind of dark. I made my way through the room and saw a bright light, as I got close to it I saw it a cake that had the words "Happy Birthday Lyn! :)" and I heard someone say "Surprise!" I turned around and saw it was Aya. I hugged her and said "Thank you". We sat down and ate the cake together, we shared stories and some other stuff  then we realized it was getting kinda late.

"hey , Aya I got to go"

"oh okay , you take care ahryt, Happy Birthday Again :)"  -Aya

"Sure will and thanks :)"

             As I got home, I immediately went to bed. It was such  a tiring day, a great one as well :) . Well good night.


                 I opened my eyes and turned to check my  clock, it was ....

"8 o'clock?!!"   oh no! I'm late for school!! O____O , I rushed to the bathroom, got dressed, then took cab to school.


the bell just rang, that means I just missed first period -_________-  great *sigh* might aswell go to class.

"hey, you missed first period" -Aya

"I know"

"Woke up late ?" -Aya


"Okay class, Let's begin" - we turned our  eyes as we heard  the  teacher spoke. The class begun and various things were floating around my mind, then I  remembered yesterday, I'm Kyle's girlfriend! and I haven't  told Aya yet. I'll just tell her when I'm ready.

                 *After 3 Days*

Aya's POV

           *sigh* what a boring, I'm with Lyn right now and we got nothing to do then she suddenly started to talk.

"Aya.." -Lyn


"we're together now"- Lyn

"with Kyle?"

"yes" -Lyn

"oh em ghie :D! since when?"

"my birthday" -Lyn

"woah cooool! I knew you liked him"

                     I was shocked on what I heard 'cause Lyn always say that she doesn't like Kyle, that they're just friends and that's as far as it will go. I'm happy for them :) . A couple of days has past, I was with Lyn again, then I asked her

"hey, how's it going with you and Kyle?", she was texting then she turned aher attention to me

and said "we're over".

"oh? since when ? "

"since yesterday"-Lyn

"woah, why ?"

"I told him that I really didn't like him and he just said okay, but I knew he was hurt so I  just smiled and left" -Lyn

               Upon hearing that, I texted Kyle and asked if he was okay.

he texted "not really, I still can't get over our break up. I liked her a lot"

"ooh, well. That's okay :) maybe you guys weren't meant to be" I replied

"yeah, oh well thanks for caring :)" -Kyle

"no problem :)"


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