Chapter 3: We Calls Us Mallow

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Kyle's POV

         It's such a boring day *sigh* 

*sends group text*

  what a boring day..

     there's nothing to do.  

wanted: textmate, text back if interested.


it didn't take long for someone to reply, one of them was Aya

here's our  convo..

Aya: hey.. :)

Me: hey , what you up to ?

Aya: texting 

Me: oh , so what can we call each other?

Aya: I don't know?

Me: hhmm, what about mallow? :D

Aya: nnaah ..

Me: Mushroom!!  xD

Aya: no!.. mallow is better ..

Me: haha, ahrght mallow ^^

Aya: so what are you up to?

Me: texting, sitting down and breathing..

Aya: haha, okay ?...

Me: ^_^ hehe

Aya: :) text you later okay ?..

Me: ahright mallow ^_^

 -end of convo-

          haha , what a fun girl ^_^ she's really nice.. well I'm gonna take a nap first.


Third person POV

      It was the last day of October and Aya was packing up and getting ready for their trip to her hometown. 

               After packing up Aya goes out to take a walk so she goes to the park. She had her headphones on so she couldn't here a thing, she was also enjoying the view of the park, not noticing the people around her. She then bumps into someone and falls over, luckily the kind guy was able to catch her before she actually hits the ground. So she gets up quick while bowing down, feeling embarassed of what just happend and said "thank you" while slowly raising her head up. The guy responded "no problem, I'm sorry for bumping into you" , as Aya has fully raised her head up, she replied "no, it was my fau--" she wasn't able to finish her sentence because she was stunned of who she saw.

"Kyle?" -Aya

"Aya? hey it's you! haha" -Kyle

"yeah, hey thanks for saving me. If you haven't had done that my face would kinda be in some condition, haha :)" -Aya

"haha, no problem :) .. It was my fault anyway I was too busy texting to even pay attention of where I was going" -Kyle

"well, it's my fault too. I was too busy enjoying the music and the view that I didn't care about the people coming my way." -Aya

"haha, yeah. So where are you going?" -Kyle asked

"no where, just taking a walk" -Aya responded

"oh cool, wanna go grab a snack?" -Kyle

"sure, I'm getting kinda hungry anyway :) "

                   So Aya and Kyle went to grab a snack, they talked for a few minutes before saying good bye to each other and there they went their separate ways.

 Aya's POV

           Oh man, what a day. *sigh* well tomorrow's the day we leave, atleast I enjoyed the day with Kyle ^_^ .. haha.

  *sends group text*

             Oh man what a day! I would like to

         thank the person who was with me

         this day :D ..  I had a great time.^^

             -good evening people :)

1 message recieved

From: Mallow_Kyle

          I had a great time with you too :)

Me: haha , so what you up to ?

Kyle:  I'm just lyin in bed, texting.. what about you?

Me: same thing, so what should we talk about?

Kyle: hhmm?... *we were at a forest*

Me: haha, mallow? do you know where we're going?

Kyle:  of course, we have to find our enemies' hideout.

Me: how do we do that?

Kyle: we look for marshmallow tracks

Me: *looks for tracks of marsh mallows* there! I found it ..

Kyle: great job, now let's go find them..

Me: *follows the trail of marsh mallows*

Kyle: stop, we're here

Me: *stops* aaaww! there so cute!!

Kyle: no they're not. They are our enemies and we should destroy them!

Me: can't we just capture them and eat them later?

Kyle: oh yeah, that could work too.. *captures mini marsh mallow people then goes back to the village* *sets them down and ties them up*

Me: can we eat them now? I'm starving!

Kyle: sure we can, don't  forget to dip them in chocolate syrup! >:)

Me: of course I won't! ^___^ *dips marsh mallow people in chocolate syrup then eats them*

       that was tasty!

Kyle: I know, next time we'll go after the candy people!..

Me: but shouldn't we destroy their gardians first?

Kyle: oh yes, we should .. hehe

Me:  hahaha! great adventure xD , well good night. I need to get some rest now

Kyle: hahaha, ahright :) goodnight mallow ^_^

         I didn't reply anymore after that, I immidiately went to sleep 'cause I was really tired and we're gonna travel tomorrow.

Kyle's POV

              wow! she's really cool, she relates to my kind of weirdness!! haha. I should text her more often ^^ . *yawn* I should go to bed aswell, it's been a long day.

  zzZzZZzZZzz .. -_____________-


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