Chapter 4: Fast Forward To Reality

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*after 5 months*

 Kyle's POV

             *sigh* it's been 5 months since I met Aya. We've been texting a lot lately and she is just really amazing ^_^  hehe.  We kinda act like we're together, she's my best friend yet she's like my girlfrend :) haha. I'm gonna text her.

To: mallow_Aya

       mallow !

 From: mallow_Aya

       yes mallow?

 To: mallow_Aya

    I care for you! ^^ hehe

 From: mallow_Aya

  aaww.. I care for you too :)

To: mallow_Aya

   haha, mallow we're like m.u. ^^


   haha ! xD

           I replied that I was going to send a touching group text :) hehehe ..


       * Aya recieves a group text from Kyle *

March 11 2013 08:57

"i dont need a girlfriend. 

all i need is my besfriend

aya :) she is my friend , and were like M.U. xD

      ndi co na kailangang maghanap

ng gf , kc kompletong kompleto na

co sa kanya"

    > ayun o ! xD

    > txt ?



             "i dont need a girlfriend. 

all i need is my besfriend

aya :) she is my friend , and were like M.U. xD

      i don't need to llok for a gf , coz im fully

complete just having her 

          > right there ! xD

          > txt ?



Aya: O.O ! uuhm..

Kyle: what's wrong mallow?

Aya: uhm .. nothing mallow ^^ hehe

Kyle: hehe ^^

      and we continued to text each other 'til we fell asleep.

Aya's POV

        O.O ! Mallow just sent that message to people .. I was really shocked and touched by  that text that I recieved :") .. he is really some guy.  *sigh* if only he knew...

             If only he knew I liked him, haha yes I like Kyle. There was something cool and different about  this slightly older guy that I liked. He's different, really. He is the first person who actually understands my weirdness and craziness. Sometimes I think I'm falling for him, but I know that can't happen 'cause I know I would just hurt myself. Why? because if I fall for him and he doesn't feel the same way, that would lead me to pain. But if ever he says he feels the same way as me and eventually asks me the "Can you be my girl" question,  no matter how much I wanna say yes I still have  to refuse. Why again you ask? first , because I'm not allowed to have. Second, I'm not ready and kinda young to have one. I know, some reason right? but, I'm just afraid of having one without the consent of my parents *sigh* Life is so uugh! (-.-) ..

     I then send a group text ..

          *sigh*  I fell inlove with my best friend ><


                   -good eve

                   -good night



       1 new message

From :-mallow_Kyle


   O_O wah-oh 

To: -mallow_Kyle

          O_O uhm.. someone ^^

 From: -mallow_Kyle

     who mallow?  tell me ^^

To: -mallow_Kyle

      i don't wanna ><

From: -mallow-kyle

     c'mon mallow , i might be able to help

              (help me? help me get to you? haha I wish) ..

To: -mallow_Kyle

       >< mallow ..

i really don't want to tell

From : -mallow_Kyle

      ahright mallow :)

To: -mallow_Kyle

    .good night mallow :)

From: -mallow_Kyle

   good night too mallow :)


  i love you 

  muahh.. :* 

         ooohh no !! he said those words >_< .. I know it's an "I love you" of friendship but damn Aya , you have totally fallen for him..

To: -mallow_Kyle

       I love you too mallow ^^


From: -mallow_Kyle


            I didn't reply anymore and just went to sleep.. 

BUT .. I couldn't , 

 Damn mallow you got me thinkin' of you >_<    argh! ..  I said to myself as I forced myself to go to sleep and after 30 minutes I  eventually I did.



 To all readers,

         Thank you :)

BTW,  you might notice that I kinda mention group text often. It's because we, Filipinos, are usually fond of texting  and expressing how we feel through text messages :) the term G.M. [group message]  is usually used and placed at the bottom of the text message.


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