Chapter 6: The Moment of Truth

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Aya's POV

            So I woke up the next morning and checked my messages, I recieved a text from Steve saying "Good mornin' beautiful :) wanna hang out later?" I smiled at his message and replied "Good mornin' handsome :)) Sure, I'd love to hang out. Just tell me when and where."

      "Meet me at the park at 10" he replied, I checked what time it was and it was 8 AM. So I ate breakfast and got dressed. I arrived at the park a bit earlier, so I sat by a guy on a bench and just looked around. Suddenly, the guy beside me asked me what time it was.

         I looked at my watch and said "9:52" then I looked at the guy and paused.


"Aya! hey, funny meeting you here" Kyle said with a smile

"Yeah,so what are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing, just sitting here and letting time pass, you?" Kyle asked and slightly smiled

"I was just wai--" I was cut off because someone behind me covered my eyes.

"Hey beautiful, guess who?" the guy behind me said

"Uhm, Steve? I  that you?" I asked while I was trying to remove his hands

"You guessed right beautiful" he took off his hands and went infront of me

 "Oh Kyle this is Steve, my long lost best friend since highschool"  I smiled as I introduced Steve.

"Hey man" Steve said as he and Kyle fist bumped

"Hey, so you guys are best friends huh?" Kyle ask with that slight smile

"Yeah man and she's like the best" Steve Smiled and placed his arm around me.

                     As Kyle checked his phone, he said "hey guys, I gotta go okay. Catch you later" then he left. There was something weird about him, he seemed disappointed or somewhat down? Oh well, I'll just ask him about it later. So I asked started a conversation with Steve "hey, so what do you wanna do today?" I asked and then noticed that his arm was still around me, I stared at him as I said "Ehem.." he then turned his attention on me and removed his arm then said "Oh sorry, uhm... well we could go the arcade?" I thought about it and ressponded "I don't feel like going to the arcade. How 'bout we take a walk around and you could tell me what happend to you these past years", he jsut smiled and said "Okay". So I and Steve went on for a walk, but before that we went to grab a snack. We talked for hours and later on he asked me "So? Kyle, is he your boyfriend?", I looked at him as I said "No? we're just friends :) that's all". The expression on his face was weird, he seemed relieved and glad to what I said, so I asked "Why do you ask?" he just looked at me and smiled "I just wanted to know and make sure, that's all :)"

                     As he gave me that cute smile, I felt something coming back, it was... that feeling I had for him before left. I felt something else was going to happen later on. After we walked around and talked we went to get something to eat for dinner. It was around 7pm that time, so after we ate he took me somewhere."Where are we going?" I asked as he covered my eyes with his hands while leading me to our destination, "We're almost there, just wait". A few more steps and he told me "here we are", as he took off his hands I was astonished byt the lovely scenery before me. There were lights lit hanged on trees and beautiful flowers planted around. In the middle of the lovely scenery, I saw a table and two chairs."What are we doing here?" I asked as I gave him a puzzled look, he said nothing and just pulled me to the table and let me sit down. "Aya" he said while staring straight into my eyes "you don't have to speak, just listen" I responded with a nod. He sighed and said "Aya, eversince we met I had these feelings for you. This was the reason why I'd always hang out with you, why I liked those times where people would tease us that we were dating. Aya, I like everything about you, your sparkling brown eyes, your red kissable lips and youe lovely hair. It was really hard for me not to think about you that day we left. The reason I came back is so that I could look for you and tell you how I feel. I was so happy that day I saw you at the mall and we even spen time together. Aya..." he looked at me seriously "I love you" my eyes widened.

Steve's POV

         I just can't believe I just said those things to Aya. I'm getting nervous to what Aya has to say, she looked at me with teary eyes "you do not know how long I've waited for you to say that. Steve I love you too, ever since we became friends. That day you left as I turned around, I cried silenty and ran to the bathroom so no one could see me" she giggled while syaing this. This is it, I gathered up my guts and said "Aya... will you be my girlfriend?" she bowed her head for a while and brought her head up, I saw her eyes were full of tears, "Yes, I will". I stood up immidiately and hugged her, "Thank you Aya! I'm so happy". I started to tear up, this was the happiest moment of my life. After that I brought her home, "Thank you Steve" she said as she drew nearer to me and gave me a peck on the cheek "you are always welcome" as I placed one arm infront of me and one at my back and bowed, kinda like some formal duke would do. I told her good night as I left her place and went home smiling. As I got home and went to bed, I texted Aya "Good Night Babe, ;) you have a good rest" after a few seconds, I recieved a reply saying "Haha, good night :) ". So after that I went to sleep.

                    *The next morning*

            As I woke up, I reached for my phone and texted Aya "Good morning beautiful :) don't skip breakfast iight?". "Good morning, yes sir :) haha, you too " I smiled and thought of the things I could do, then suddely *ding* I'm gonna go visit Aya at her school today.I was excited, so I went and got changed. I stopped by at the flower shop to buy some roses, I also bought a huge teddy bear for her with some chocolates. After that I drove off to Sai University, I texted Aya if she was at school already she said "yes, I just arrived" so as I parked my my brand new Jaguar infront of the school's gate, I got out and started to walk into the school. People were staring and talking about me, I heard them saying "who is he?" "he's so cute, is he a new student here?" and other stuff like that. As I continued  making my way through this bunch of people, I spotted Aya talking with Lyn. Aya turned her head and I could tell she was surprised to see me "Steve! what are you doing here?" as I finally stood infront of her I gave her a peck on the cheek and responded "I came to see you sweetie", I saw her blush and damn was she cute. "You didn't have to come all the way here just to see me", she said. "I'm your boyfriend remeber, I'm suppose to" I said as I smiled. "Haha, okay then. Hey, I've gotta go okay? Bye, I love you" and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll pick you up after school okay?" I said, "Okay" she replied with a smile and then she went off to her room.

             So, I planned to give the flowers and chocolates later 'cause I thought of her carrying them around all day, haha. While waiting for Aya, I went to the mall to  go eat and just look around. As time passed, I recieved a text message from Aya saying "Hey, class is over. You pickin' me up?". "Yup, I'm on my way. Just wait for me at the school's gate", I replied. So I got in the car and drove off to pick up Aya

*at Sai University*

              "Babe!" I heard as I got out of my car, I turned around and saw Aya coming towards me. " Hey babe" I said as I kissed her on the cheek, "Oh wait, I got something for you", I went inside to grab the teddy and chocolates in the car " here you go", I said as I gave the stuff to her. She smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek "Thank you", she replied. After that I drove her home and walked her to her house. "Thanks for taking me home" she said, "I'm your boyfriend I'm suppose to do that and even if I wasn't I would still take you home every now and then, haha" I responded as I laughed a bit. "That is kinda true, haha. Well bye babe! you take care alright?" she said, "Bye, and will do... for you" I responded as I smiled and left. As I got into my car I drove home and arrived safely.


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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2013 ⏰

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