Chapter 36. The Village

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After leaving the park, Daisy and I flew around the human city for a while looking for any information that would show us how to get out of there. From time to time the doubt of never making it back home popped into my mind. I was inside the backpack all the time when the humans left the lake taking me with them, so I hadn't seen anything on the way to their house. When the bird got tired we landed on a tree branch above a crowded street. We were both hungry and tired after the recent escape. I remembered that I had kept a piece of cake inside the bag. I took out the fluffy cake inside and divided it in half, giving a piece to the animal. I sat down on the piece of wood and we started eating it. As I nibbled on the sweet food I watched the humans walking below with curiosity. The city had so much to do and see, so many places to go. Only that park seemed to be extremely large. Even flying over it I couldn't see the end. I wondered if it was even possible to explore that city of theirs to the fullest.

I fingered the bandage on my arm. It still hurt a little, but less than before. The breeze was blowing lightly, ruffling the leaves around and ruffling my hair in the air. I was sitting cross-legged, feeling the rays of sunlight touch my skin and warming it up when another memory filled my thoughts. Max had kissed me. 'You're sweet', he said. A shy smile spread across my face. The touch of his lips felt so good on me, and I liked it so much. I had never kissed anyone before and now my first time had been with a human. I mean, I wasn't sure if that could count as a kiss. Still my mother would go crazy if she knew about this.

"If I were human," I pondered, watching the human beings coming and going. "everything would be different, wouldn't it?"

Daisy cocked her head and flapped her wings in protest. She clearly didn't like it one bit.

"I know, I know." I told the bird. "I'm just thinking."

I looked back down, taking the last few bites of human food. There was no use thinking about that kiss now. We would never see each other again and it still made me sad. But that's how it had to be. So I thought of Killian, the child who could change size at will. He could be living among humans right now, mixing with them and nobody would notice. It sounded amazing, although I didn't know if I believed such a thing could be possible. The letters exchanged between my father and him said so much about their relationship. However they also raised questions that I still had no answers to. They were running through my mind and none of them made any sense. I couldn't ignore them now. I had to find out the truth. The whole truth. Roger was my father's best friend. If anyone could give me the answers I was looking for, it would be him. That's why I have to go home as soon as possible. That was all that mattered. Suddenly a group of humans who looked like teenagers walked by talking loudly and laughing, caught my attention. In the middle of the conversation they talked about spending the afternoon at a lake and that a friend of theirs had arranged to pick them up right there. It was our chance to leave. A few minutes later the noisy machine, or as they called it, the car, arrived.

"We've had enough rest, girl." I got up. "It's time to go."

So we flew down, sneaking into the big metal thing.


When they announced they had arrived we tried to get out of the car without being seen, however one of the humans noticed us. Fortunately they were confused about what they have seen and just let it go saying it was just imagination after having had drinks so early in the morning. It was past noon when we got to the lake. It was still as beautiful as ever. If it weren't for the circumstances I could have stopped and stood there enjoying the blue water gently moving in the wind. As we flew over the place I watched the humans around. There weren't as many as the day we fell, but it was still a fair amount of them. They were fishing and sitting around having a picnic or playing sports, completely unaware of what was hiding among the trees not far from there. What would happen if they ever found out about us? A bad feeling twisted my stomach, making me shiver. I didn't want to think about it so I shook my head and I just kept going. We flew past huge trees, dodging trunks and rough vegetation, passing over mossy rock mounds and streams, bushes and flowers, wet earth and undergrowth. I had never felt so at home before. After spending days in a frightful human city, this place really was paradise. Soon I recognized the small rectangles with rounded sides embedded in the trees and also the ropes that led from one to the other. It was the village.

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