Chapter 38. Dark

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Pitch darkness flooded the place as the human locked me inside the prison again. I had no idea how long I had been here. Maybe hours, or days. I just couldn't tell. At first I walked around the room feeling the walls in search of any hole or crack that could serve as an exit but found nothing. Every wall was rock solid, and with the only opening had been sealed it was inescapable. Most of the time I just stared at the dark, waiting for when the human would return. Even if tired I stood guard, forcing myself to stay awake. Sleeping would only make me susceptible to being taken by surprise. I wouldn't let it happen. My only advantage against him in that unfavorable situation was anticipating what he would do next. And I knew he would come get me, it was just a matter of time. I hummed as many songs as I could remember to kill time. Those helped a little at moments but not always. Every now and then I got too bored to think of any new one, so I would yaw constantly and my eyelids would get heavier. I wasn't going to hold on much longer.

The sweet smell of food was making my stomach hurt, reminding me that it was terribly empty. I could smell baked apples in that. It somehow smelled like our own food which I found curious. My mouth watered just imaging its taste. I tried not to think about it but it wasn't like I could simply pretend I wasn't hungry. Actually I was starving. Soon the deep, painful growls in my insides made me reconsider whether it was worth resisting it or not. If I wanted to get out of here I needed some energy. Just a bite won't hurt. So I crawled over to the appealing piece of food. I held the large piece with both hands and ate it ravenously.

When I finished the meal I sat back in the corner, hugging my legs close to my chest. There was nowhere to go and no one to save me. It was only me in another hellish box. The more time I spent in their houses and city, the more I hated its ridiculously giant-sized everything. No matter how much I tried to fight, it all made me feel so weak and powerless. If only Isaac were here... Just a pull and I would be free. Apart from him, none of my experiences with humans had been anything more than a tragedy. First with those from my childhood, then that pshycopath guy and now that boy. All of them acting like typical humans, pretty much the same monsters from the stories. That was why I would never give my people away. I didn't care if it would cost me my freedom or my well-being.

As I stayed curled up I thought about Mina, wondering if she was all right. I hope you have made it home. I promised Gadry I would save her but I just couldn't. I've failed again. I saddned. I got deafened by the laughter. They echoed so loud in my head I couldn't hear my own thoughts. 'Look at him. He's so small and puny!', 'Let's have some fun with him!'. I shook at the voices. They were hurting me so much. I couldn't bear them anymore.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I yelled at them. "GET OUT!"

I held my head tightly until everything was finally silent again. That was when a sudden, strong pull made the place shudder and creak, throwing everything inside forward. I rolled around, getting hit and pushed by the objects. The artificial light in the high ceiling dispelled the darkness as the entire drawer was exposed. I rubbed my eyes to get used to the subtly lit room. As I got myself together from the jolt, a figure loomed above. The human boy had returned. As I feared, I had been caught off guard.

"You ate, huh?" He spoke in a monotone.

I didn't say a word. The boy had a cryptical look on his face as he gazed down at me. He was certainly thinking of something, but what?

"She missed you, you know?" He said. "Mina."

She missed me... It made me happily dumbfound as if my heart had just received a stamina injection. But why would she tell him that? He knew my name without me even saying it before and now he knew how she was feeling? Something was wrong.

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