Chapter 40. The Tent (pt. 2)

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I stared in wide-eyed terror as the giant's hand descended towards me. My heart pounded so hard I thought it might burst from my chest. I tried to scramble away, but my clumsily efforts were futile against the human's reach. As I ran for my life fingers as thick as ancient tree trunks encircled my body preventing me to go any farther from the being. In the blink of an eye I felt myself being lifted off the table effortlessly like I was as light as a leaf. My stomach lurched, and I clung desperately to one of the giant's fingers, my tiny hands gripping its warm, fleshy surface as if this could offer me some kind of safety against falling on the way up. The human brought me closer to their face which loomed before me overwhelmingly. His big deep eyes scanning me with an intensity that made me shiver. I've waited so long for this moment, I mean, finding a human was my goal since I was little. I wanted to see those creatures in the stories with my own eyes, I wanted to prove to myself that I was strong enough. I thought I was prepared. So why did it seem so terrifying now? Fear dominated my thoughts making me feel even smaller and more helpless.

"Hiding and running away when I just wanted to welcome you?" He started. His voice was so loud... a deep rumble that reverberated through my entire body. "How rude."

"What do you want from me?" I asked hesitantly however witout thinking about it.

"Oh. Not the best choice of words for someone so small." He replied in an unnerving monotone. "Where is your survival instinct at?"

"I was just..." My voice barely above a whisper as I tried to come up with something that would make sense. But actually there wasn't nothing to it.

"Frightened?" The giant's lips curled into a faint, mocking smile. "My, you're trembling like a leaf."

I tried to steady my breathing, to muster some semblance of courage, but my heart continued to hammer relentlessly as the human tasted my fear ravenously. He was playing with me, I knew it. Maybe humans could smell fear like predators did. Well, they surely found fearplaying somehow fun. A sick and gross way to have it. This was a common ground in all the stories and reports from those who had fortunately survived one of them. Calm down, Harvey. Just calm down.

"What are you doing here?" The giant asked. "It's not a wise idea to go around sneaking into people's tents. What if something bad happened to you?"

"I can manage on my own."

"It's lovely to see how you picture yourselves. You got to have some pride in a world so big after all, right? However I'm afraid words are just that - words."

"Or maybe they're more than that." I replied, my voice stronger than I felt.

The giant's fingers shifted abruptly, adjusting their grip tighter on my bod as if they were feeling how easy it would be to crush me. The warmth of the human's skin seeped through my clothes, and I could feel the slight tremor of their pulse, a constant reminder of their immense power. Even though in a helpless position and taken by fear I was an explorer, I wouldn't give in so easily. We simply could not, no matter what. The giant's scrutinizing eyes narrowed, examining me in detail as the being considered my statement.

"I'm the first human you've ever met, I suppose." He said finally. "These sassy lines and behavior are always the same the first time. That much courage might get you into trouble one day."

I swallowed hard, my mouth dry.

"But do not worry." He smiled. "I'm not like those other brainless people out there who get off on breaking little things like you for mere and vain fun."

My eyes automatically darted to the cage below. The young boy was there, observing the scene quietly, unable to offer any kind of help. He was terrified, maybe much more than I was. I couldn't judge him. Their expression was a mix of fear and wariness, as we both knew there was nothing he could do against human's will. How was that not for fun? What else could it be? What could be so cruel like that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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