No More Mister Nice Guy.....or Woman

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It was possibly one of the worst nights Reyna had in a long time. As far as getting a decent amount of sleep, that is. It was definitely in the top five.

Her dreams were full of nightmares. Nightmares from her past. Nightmares of the future. Anything her chaotic mind could conjure up. By the fifth jolt awake, Reyna was through attempting to get what some would call an adequate amount of rest. There was no point really. Not when the start of the sunrise showed through her two tiny bedroom windows.

"Maybe I could get a cup of tea before anyone else on the crew wakes up," she said to herself, stretching her arms over her head.

Slowly, Reyna got out of bed. The floor was slightly cooler than she expected it to be, and her knees popped much too loudly for someone her age. Throwing a robe over her nightdress, Reyna left her room as quietly as possible then silently made her way up the stairs and toward the kitchen.

The kitchen wasn't empty.

Sanji, already dressed in his usual black suit and button-up, was moseying back and forth between the cabinets around the kitchen, the stove, and the refrigerator. It was quite comical to watch. The questions still remained, what was he doing up so early?

"Do you own normal clothes, or do you always look like you're about to have a business meeting?" Reyna asked.

"Good morning to you, too," Sanji laughed. "Sleep well?"

"I slept," she answered, arms wrapped across her stomach. "Do pardon my lack of dressing up. I didn't expect anyone to be up this early."

"I don't mind," he answered, unable to help taking in her appearance. He found her mess of dark ebony waves and bare feet adorable. Almost as though she'd claimed the ship as her home already.

"What are you doing up so early?" she asked.

"I could say I'm not used to the swaying of a pirate ship, but no one would believe it," he answered. "I'm usually up early to get everything situated at the restaurant. It'll take awhile to get the rhythm to go away. So, in the meantime, I might as well get used to where everything is in the kitchen and move anything around if need-be. After that, start breakfast."

"That makes sense," Reyna nodded, standing by his side at one of the open pantry doors. "You didn't happen to spot any tea in these cabinets during your search, did you?"

"You're in luck," Sanji moved over to the small drawer beside the sink, pulling it open to reveal a large array of loose-leaf tea. "We've got plenty. Pick your poison."

"Thank goodness," her fingers brushed over each pouch to find the winner for that morning. "Ginger peach, I can't live without you. Would you like some, Sanji?"

"If you don't mind sharing, I would love some," he said.

"Not at all," she smiled. "Tea is best enjoyed with good company."

With tea steeped and prepared to perfection, in Reyna's opinion of course, Sanji took a break from his organizing and joined her at one of the island bar stools. The duo made quite the pair, and were sure to cause a few head turns to a stranger's eye. Two seemingly opposite people; one dressed as though he was preparing for a photo shoot while the other looked as if she just rolled out of bed (because she absolutely did) sharing tea in the early morning hours. Oh, pirate life. Bringing different types of people together. Except they really weren't so different. Not really. They just didn't realize it yet.

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