The Mini Adventures of Reyna, Sanji and Crew: Stupid Moss Head

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Reyna's shirt clung to her back. She could feel the tiny beads of sweat rolling down between her shoulder blades. The muscles in her arms screamed for a break, but the woman kept them up, ready for her opponent to strike. The sai in her hands shaking from the beginnings of fatigue.

"I've got to hand it to you, doc. I didn't think you would last this long," Zoro smirked from across the deck. Their training area for the day. "Consider me impressed."

"Is that meant to be a compliment?" Reyna asked, circling the green-haired man. "If so, it was a very poor one."

"Less talking, more training," Zoro jumped towards her, swords raised above his head, ready to attack.

From the side of the ship, Usopp and Sanji each stood with a fishing pole in hand, trying their best to catch something to put into the kitchen freezer. Somehow, Luffy was able to sneak past Sanji the previous night and help himself to a late-night snack.

At least, Usopp was trying his best to catch something with his fishing pole to put into the freezer. On the other hand, Sanji was far too distracted with the display happening a few paces away.

To say the blond cook was impressed was an understatement. At Arlong Park, he'd only been able to get a glimpse of Reyna's abilities, but now, while being a spectator, he was able to get a front-row seat at her capabilities He was truly captivated.

Zoro was going easy on her, sure, but Reyna was still putting the swordsman through some surprise maneuvers. It certainly helped that she had smaller blades than his. Her movements were graceful and elegant with each blow the swordsman sent her way. Every motion was fluid and precise, and with her hair flowing behind her in the wind, Sanji couldn't help himself from admiring the woman who looked like a warrior princess.

He was in deep trouble.


All movement ceased except for the pair of fishing poles hitting the Going Merry's deck.

"What's going on?" Usopp's hands flew to his cheeks in fear, his eyes wide as he turned his head back and forth to try and figure out the cause of the sudden outcry. "What's happening? Are we under attack?"

"Put the slingshot away," Zoro groaned from the ground, his hand over his chest. "I'm fine. Nice surprise attack, doc. You nicked me."

"You aren't fine," Reyna knelt beside him, immediately spotting the blood seeping through his shirt. "Your stitches popped again. I am so sorry."

"Is Zoro going to make it?" Usopp asked. "Should we plan for his burial now?"

"Don't be so dramatic, Usopp," Reyna helped the swordsman to his feet. "He'll be fine, but I have to stitch you up again. This is the third time I've had to redo these in two days, Zoro."

"What can I say, doc," the green-haired man folded his arms over his now bleeding chest. "I can't get enough of your hands on me."

The pang hit Sanji's heart violently. His eyes widened as he watched the pair head towards the medical room. Zoro glanced back at him from over his shoulder, a child-like smirk plastered on his face. Almost as if he'd meant for the cook to hear him.


"Zoro has been hurting himself a lot lately, hasn't he?" Usopp wondered aloud from Sanji's side. "You don't suppose-"

"No!" Sanji erupted, kneeling to pick up the discarded fishing equipment. "Absolutely not. He's just being an idiot like always, and Reyna's the ship's physician. She has to be the one to patch up his stupidity."

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