The Mini Adventures of Reyna, Sanji and Crew: Preparing for the Grand Line

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Reyna stared at the reflection in the mirror. A warm, deep purple winter coat fit comfortably around her shoulders. A pair of black (of course) lace-up boots, a black beanie, and a pair of dark grey gloves finished the winter weather ensemble. She couldn't remember the last time she wore something for the cold season.

After stocking up on medical supplies (and books), Reyna headed straight to the multiple clothing stores located around the marketplace. Most of the purchases were quick and easy. A few pairs of pants and shorts here. Some shirts, dresses, and a swimsuit or two there. The winter clothes, on the other hand, were a pain in the ass to sort through and decide on.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Miss?" one of the older workers made her way through the shop.

"I think I'm all right," Reyna tilted her head to the side, turning to the side to look over her choices again from another angle. "I don't shop for cold weather clothes often, however, so maybe a professional opinion wouldn't be so bad."

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you are getting ready for an exciting trip on the Grand Line," the woman's heels clicked against the hardwood floor, a friendly smile on her wrinkled face. "Smart of you for getting winter weather. The weather on the Grand Line flips on a dime."

"Is that right?" Reyna's eyes widened. "You've been?"

"A long time ago," the woman laughed. "But it's time for you and those like you to enjoy the adventures the Grand Line has to offer. And yes, one minute you wake up and the sun is shining, it's hot, and you want to go for a swim. Then ten minutes later snow is falling from the sky. You must always be on your toes out there."

"I knew it," Reyna couldn't help but chuckle. "Thank you for that very valuable information. I will be sure to pass it along to the rest of my shipmates."

"Of course," she smiled. "You wouldn't believe all the poor unfortunate souls who enter the Grand Line blind. They never last more than a week. You're lucky to have made port on this island to load up your ship."

"Yes, very fortunate."

Earlier That Day

Reyna drummed her fingers against the ship's railing, watching the local townspeople meander past the numerous docked ships in the last harbor before they made it to the Grand Line. To her left stood Usopp, who was busy searching through his bag for something.

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