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forgive me pls for not updating sooner 🙏

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forgive me pls for not updating sooner 🙏

Roman always had a problem with sharing. During recess, whenever another kid was using his ball, he would fight, scream, and kick until he had it back. It was the perfect ball... it was round, that right shade of yellow, and had just the right amount of air. But it was all worth it in the end because he won his first game of handball with it.

He loved- no fucking adored all his 150 colored pencils, using them with such care and protection. He didn't let anybody touch them because they were his, his aunt bought them just for HIM. He didn't know why people weren't taught to mind their own business.

He hated sharing his toys with his cousins, so much that he would hide all his toys, even the fucking Batman figurine he hated because its eyeball was gone. He hid them until his cousin was gone and promptly put them back, where they safely were.

But it was just a phase. Every kid was like that. Little brats who thought the world was about them and obviously didn't learn "sharing is caring" but he would grow out of it. Surely, he would.

How fucking wrong he was.

He watched the sunkissed girl giggle again. Her blond curls were looser than his, her smile held more joy than his, her body was more curvier. He would compliment her, probably try flirting with her, but god he was furious. She kept laughing. Giggling at whatever Will's smart-ass mouth created, but he knew Will wasn't that funny, so she had to be faking it. She had to think the sun was shining out his ass the way she giggled so loud. She was forcing herself to laugh because of some dare her friends did.

He tried coming up with reasons, so many as to why she was here. He didn't like the alternative.

Roman and Will have been on the beach since their exercise, consisting too much of kissing and touching for a friendly game of 20 questions, but they managed to push through, fighting over breakfast like usual before they were lounging on the beach. They have been making decent conversation, almost laughing at what each other said, and looking somewhat interested in what the other had to say. It was weird, especially to Roman how Will didn't point out his stupidity every second.

Except, now he would prefer that. He wanted Will to call him stupid or dumb like he always did with that smirk. Instead, he was smirking at her. Making her laugh. Making jokes at her. Talking with her.

Briecca or some dumbass shit let her mouth fall in a stupid way to let her stupid laugh get out of this stupid world so the stupid blond would hear. He should find another way to say stupid. But it just summed how everything. Like how Roman also looked stupid, half buried in the sand because the boys were in the process of burying him in the sand.

He was staring- no fucking burning holes into the girl's forehead, debating if he should just drag Will away and lock him away. Let's say, Will was his least favorite toy. Sure he's rough around the edges, not rough on the eyes, but he's a bit rude, so sarcastic, such an egotistic asshole. But he wanted the toy. The annoying toy was fun to play with (figuratively and literally) and he enjoyed being with it and having its attention. So, yes, 100% he would hide him from his cousins getting their slimy and dirty hands all over his toy.

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