2 - The Gryffindor Party

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Juliet's POV

I'd spent my first week sitting with Imelda and the girls at lunch, and they invited me to join them again the following week, much to Sebastian's and Ominis's chagrin.

"Ugh, Jules, you associating with those trolls is like social suicide," Ominis drawled as we approached the Slytherin table at lunch. "You know, no-one actually likes them. And they'll drop you like a hot pumpkin pasty as soon as they're bored with you."

"Yeah Jules, I don't really understand the appeal," Sebastian screwed up his nose at me.

"Firstly, boys, it's Juliet, not Jules," I huffed. "And secondly, they aren't that bad..."

We all paused before bursting out in laughter.

"Really though, Jules," Sebastian continued as he took a seat at the table, "Imelda is a bloody axe-wound."

"Sebastian!" Ominis and I scolded in unison.

Ominis joined Sebastian as usual, and I continued up the table to sit with Imelda and Violet.

"Juliet!" Violet greeted me warmly, "How are you enjoying the start of your second week here?"

"It's been pretty good so far, Violet," I smiled, taking a seat beside her. "Actually, I was invited to join the Astronomy Team!"

"Gross!" Imelda exclaimed, stabbing at a string bean on her plate. "You can not join that team. THAT is social suicide, Juliet."

"Damn, you are so lucky you have us to guide you," Violet added condescendingly.

"Oh... okay..." I said meekly, feeling defeated. I was starting to feel a bit torn, like nothing I did could please everyone. I'd never been one to care too much about my reputation. But for some reason, I was starting to care. Maybe because I was enjoying the attention of being the new kid, for once. People here actually seemed interested in me.

"You know what, Juliet?" Imelda looked up at me, "You're like, actually really pretty."

I blushed. "Oh... thanks Imelda."

"So you agree?" she suddenly turned snarky.

"What?" I responded, wide-eyed.

"You think you're really pretty?" she said in a bitchy tone.

Oh for fucks sake!

"Um... I didn't say that..." I responded carefully.

Was it worth it? Putting up with these dumb bitches just to get close to Garreth? One thing I knew for sure, Imelda was not a friend, she was quickly becoming a frenemy. Good. At least I'll feel a little less guilty when I fuck Garreth.

Imelda stabbed around on her plate again. "I heard you like Garreth Weasley," she said, still focussed on her plate.

My blood ran cold. No wonder she was being such a bitch.

"Grace told me that you like him," she added.

Fucking Grace!! Where was that backstabbing bitch, anyway?

"I mean, I don't care. Do whatever you want," Imelda looked up at me, and leaned in closer. "But let me tell you something about Weasley. ALL he cares about is school, and his mum, and his friends."

And that's a bad thing?

"But if you like him, that's fine," she sighed. "I guess I could talk to him for you, if you want?"

Oh... I wasn't expecting that!

"Really?" I asked excitedly. "You would do that, for me? I mean... nothing embarrassing, right?"

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