22 - Guns 'n' Sharks

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Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to Alfie Nugent, the talented voice actor who breathed life into Sebastian Sallow! And also to Salixtree who hosted a great interview with him about his role. The contents of this chapter were inspired by this interview!

Juliet's POV

"Watch your step! It's slippery here," Sebastian warned me, holding onto my elbow lightly to help me navigate the last few rocky steps down to the beach.

We had travelled by Floo to South Feldcroft to have a beach day.

At the end of October...

"It's fucking freezing," Imelda complained, rubbing her arms. She scowled as the wind whipped her hair in front of her face.

Garreth bounded ahead like a playful puppy dog, ignoring his whiney girlfriend, excited to be out of Hogwarts for the day and into the fresh air and nature. "I've never been here before, it's beautiful!" he exclaimed, kicking his shoes off and running to dip his feet into the ocean.

"We used to come here in the summertime when we were kids," Anne smiled, closing her eyes and inhaling the salty sea air. "Sebastian, Ominis and I. This was our favourite beach."

"IS our favourite beach," Ominis corrected her, unlinking his arm from Poppy's so she could lay down a beach towel on the sand for them to sit on.

"Sallow, I thought you said it was going to be sunny and warm today," Violet pouted, slumping down on a picnic blanket Grace had laid out for them.

"Ah, but it will be soon!" Sebastian grinned mischievously and gave a nod to Natty.

Natty nodded back. She looked up to the sky, held her hands up and muttered, "Kuita Jua!"

The clouds began to clear, the wind calmed down, and the sun shone brightly, creating a much warmer atmosphere and a glittering reflection on the surface of the clear blue ocean.

"Woah, Natty," I gushed. "A weather-modifying charm? I thought they only worked indoors?"

Natty was a master at wandless magic, but I had no idea she had grown this powerful.

"It's something I learnt at my old school, Uagadou," Natty boasted proudly. "My mother helped me perfect the charm. We were able to help many villages suffering from droughts. Although, it is only temporary. Usually there would be a team of us performing this charm. On my own, I think we've got a couple of hours of sunshine."

"Brilliant," Poppy gazed at her in admiration.

Grace got some music going while Violet passed around some Butterbeers, Poppy conjured some colourful beach umbrellas, and Sebastian and Anne took off for a swim in the ocean. Imelda still seemed to be in a bit of a mood, as she wandered off alone down the beach.

"What's up her butt?" I huffed, as I plonked myself down next to Garreth.

"Uh, let's just say things have been a bit rough between us," Garreth admitted sadly. "We've been fighting a lot lately."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Garreth," I squeezed his arm affectionately.

"It's ok, I don't want to dwell on it. Let's talk about you! You and Sallow are officially an item now, hey?" he nudged me playfully. "Don't worry, I won't bore you with another warning about his reputation, since you basically ignored me last time I tried," he chuckled, "And you know how I feel about you with him. But as long as you're happy, I am too."

"I am," I smiled appreciatively at him. I looked out at the water to see Sebastian and Anne jumping in the waves and splashing each other playfully, a warm fuzziness enveloping me at the sweet scene.

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