11 - Bitten

441 17 32

Sebastian's POV

I didn't see Jules until the following evening. She had locked herself in her dorm all day and refused to talk to anyone except for Anne. Anne... who was furious with me.

"She has every right to hate you, Sebastian," Anne scolded me. I was sitting in the Common Room, waiting for Jules to come down before dinner so I could try and talk to her. "She's been up there crying all day. You've really done a number on her."

"I know," I groaned, hanging my head in my hands. "I just need a chance to talk to her... to explain..."

At that moment, Jules appeared. Eyes red from crying. A lump formed in my throat at the sight of her. She looked at me briefly before turning on her heels to go back to her dorm.

"Jules, Jules! Wait, wait, wait..." I desperately called out to her, jumping up from the couch and running after her up to her dorm. I caught her just before she opened her door. "Can we talk for a moment?" I begged, out of breath.

"What do you want, Sebastian?" she sniffled.

"Please, Jules... let me apologise..." I began.

"For what part?" she narrowed her eyes at me. "For making a bet about fucking me? Or for humiliating me in front of everyone by somehow making the bet public knowledge? Or for actually acting on your cruel intentions by leading me on and... and touching me like that... and... leading me to believe... ugh," she struggled to finish her thought, as she stifled back a fresh round of tears.

"I'm sorry for all of it. Please forgive me Jules," I begged, reaching out for her hand. She snatched it away from me.

"You never actually had feelings for me, did you Sebastian?" she cried. "I was just a challenge... a conquest..."

"No-no-no, look, Jules, it was just... 'locker room talk,' okay? The silly bet I made with Ominis, it... it didn't mean anything."

"It didn't mean anything?" she cried. "Your flippant actions have completely humiliated me, Sebastian," she choked out emotionally. "All so you could try and get your dick wet..."

"Look... you don't get it, okay?" I said with a hint of frustration. "I wasn't doing all of that with you just so I could get some action. I have feelings for you, real feelings. I do!"

I could tell she didn't believe me. The look on her face said it all.

"Hey, I can fix this," I said desperately, an idea coming to mind. "Date me, for real. Go out with me."

"Wow, you're actually mental," she scoffed.

"Think about it," I said excitedly. "It's the perfect way for you to save face."

"No, it's the perfect way for you to save face. And I'm not interested in helping you with that. Besides, I have zero trust in you now, Sebastian, and I'd rather keep whatever shred of dignity I have left intact. Goodbye," she slammed the door in my face.

"I promise I'll make it up to you, Jules," I said through her door. I'd do anything.


I tried so hard to make amends over the following days. I sent her dozens upon dozens of flowers to her during class. I barely spoke to any other girls. I complimented her whenever I saw her. But she wouldn't have a bar of any of it. She eventually asked me to stop, give it a rest, and give her some time. So out of respect, I backed off. And the next few weeks without her were brutal.

"Who the hell does she think she is?" I said to Ominis as we walked to Herbology class one morning. It had been well over a month, and Jules had been ignoring me for too long. I was beginning to lose my patience. "There are hundreds of girls at this school who want to date me. Can she not just let go of this grudge she has against me and give me a chance? We used to be friends!"

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