32 - I'll Take Care of You 🌶️

380 9 24

Cover artist: D MESCA

3rd Person POV

... A sense of unease took over her. Lost in concentration, she was startled when she heard a familiar cockney accent...

"Wh-who's there?" she stuttered.

A group of drunk men emerged from the shadows, crude comments about her shot out of their mouths as they approached her, making her skin crawl. Fear gripped her heart.

"Fancy meeting you here," the familiar Cockney accent drawled. Rookwood's surviving crony!

And friends...

"What are you doing here?" she growled in the most intimidating voice she could muster.

He laughed sadistically, holding his arms out. "It's a free country, innit? Who says I'm here for you, doll?"

Juliet shuddered.

"Just leave me alone, alright?" she shouted, hoping her raised voice would alert any passerbys. "I'm not looking for trouble."

"Not looking for trouble?" he scoffed, as his friends began to circle around her. "That's unfortunate. Looks like trouble has found you."

One of the men reached out and flicked her hair, making her wince. Another commented on her ass.

Juliet whipped her wand out, and the men began to laugh.

"Don't think that'll do much, princess. You're a bit outnumbered here," one of the men said in a gruff yet amused voice.

Her hand shook uncontrollably. "Get back! Or else!"

"Or else what?" the man goaded.

"Or else I'll rip your arm off and beat you to death with the sloppy end," Sebastian approached the group of men, wand at the ready.

"Sebastian!" Juliet breathed in relief.

"Aw look, it's Sharkboy!" the cockney crony jabbed. "Here to save the day again, are we?"

Sebastian marched straight up to him, and open-hand slapped him hard on the face.

"Oi! What the fuck was that?" the crony yelped in surprise.

"Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch," Sebastian grinned malevolently. "Now kindly, fuck off will you? All of you."

"Aw, we just wanted to have a little fun," one of the men jeered at Sebastian, reaching out and grabbing at Juliet. She quickly dodged out of his grasp.

"Okay, you cunts..." Sebastian's voice lowered. "Enough's enough. CONFRINGO!"

Spells flew from their wands as a battle began.

Juliet and Sebastian, although still in school, were clearly the better duellists and were kicking ass. They wore the baddies down pretty quickly.

Just when it seemed like they had won, one of the men lunged at Juliet with the last of his strength, but her wand was sparking as it was still cooling down from her last spell.

"Shit," she muttered.

She quickly kicked her heel off, and held it up, just in time to lodge the spike of her heel right in the man's throat. His eyes rolled back as blood gurgled in his throat, spilling out of his lips. Juliet gasped as she watched the light flicker out of his eyes.

The cockney crony started racing toward her, rage filled in his eyes. She mustered up her ancient magic, and hurled a barrel right into his stomach, knocking him down.

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