🔥Ch 4 : Silver❄️

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After the fight, they all sat down while the wolf just layed it's head on Benimaru's lap. The others just looked at them sweatdropping at the wolf's behaviour.

Rimuru started clearing his throat which caught the others attention while the wolf just perked it's ears.

"Even though we don't know the wolf's name, it seems that it has somehow taken a liking towards Benimaru. Does any of you have any idea as to why this is happening?" Rimuru

"I think it still remembers Benimaru from the fight. He did save her after all." Souei said while opening one of his eyes to look at Rimuru.

As soon as Souei mentioned 'her' in his phrase, Gobta immediately opened his eyes from his sleep and asked, "Her? Is the wolf a female?"

"Yes" Souei.

"If so,does the wolf sees Benimaru-sama as a potential mate? Well, I mean, don't wolves search and yearn for strong mates?" Gobta said with his hand to his chin while tilting his head to the side.

The wolf immediately opened it's eyes and raised it's head while growling loudly at Gobta.

Gobta immediately yelped in response and hid behind Rigur.

Just as it seemed like the wolf was about to pounce on him, Benimary immediately cleared his throat and gave the wolf a quick scratch behind the ear.

At Benimaru's action,the wolf immediately started nuzzling into his lap once more, but this time with a deep growl of satisfaction emitting from it.

Seeing that the wolf was calm once again, Benimaru turned his attention towards the others once more.

"Now, now Gobta. I'm pretty sure that the wolf just feels indepted since wolves are known to be very loyal creatures." Benimaru said and the wolf nodded it's head while still being scratched by Benimaru while Ranga just barked in agreement.

Gobta finally came out of hiding from behind Rigur and voiced out his response. 

"If you say so. But what's it's name? I'm pretty sure you don't wanna keep calling it 'hey' or 'wolf' the entire time that it's here."

"Come to think of it, we don't know it's name. It'd be pretty helpful if we could talk to it." Shuna

"Eh? If we can't talk to it, then why don't we just name it?" Gabiru

Everyone turned their heads towards Gabiru and Rimuru put a fist on his palm and echoed an "Oh!".

At the mention of that idea, Shion immediately got excited and started jumping around while raising her hands and voluntereing to give a suggestion for it's name.

"If I may, I have a suggestion for it's name. How about we name it Kaneki?" Shion suggested while clapping her hands together in the middle of the process and tilting her head a bit to the side.

Rimuru immediately sweatdropped at the suggestion while thinking " An anime character's name right off the bat huh."

"I think we should name it Einstein" Shuna said while bringing the palm of her hand towards her chest.

Rimuru thought once again " So after an anime character it's the most smartest man with highest IQ to ever live huh" 

At this, the two female kijin were already glaring at each other with sparks flying off in between the. Rimuru was starting to sweat profusely at this while laughing nervously while standing in between them to prevent an all out war.

Just as it was starting to become another competition betwee  the two, Souei raised his hand and said, " Why don't we let Benimaru decided. Since he was the one who saved the wolf after all."

All eyes turned towards Benimaru awaiting for his decision on the name. Benimaru, who was still scratching the wolf's ear was deep in thought. 

He looked down at the wolf and decided to observe it's features and noticed the the wolf's fur colour that seemed to glow when hit with lighting.

He finally looked up to the others and said, " Silver"

"Her name will be Silver...."

A/N here~~:

Ok, so to tell you guys the truth, i wasn't planning to update this thing today since I was being busy with my exams for the past few months or so, but once I saw that a lot of people were adding this thing that i started writing just for fun into their reading list, I got inspired to write it even if it's only a short chap. And my book is almost reaching 300 views! This may not be alot compared to other writers but i'm very grateful to you all. Anyways, i won't be posting another ch in a while cause i still have my exams. If the results has come out, ill tell you guys.Bah bye

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