Written for NaNoWriMo

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NANoWriMo – National Novel writing Month – is an event that happens every November. People try to write a novel (or at least 50000 words of one) in a month. This is mostly a social things; an excuse to meet up with other authors from your area, and maybe motivate each other to write a little more.

This year, my story will be Younger Twin. And as usual, everyone who supports my Patreon during November 2023 will have access to this story on Google Docs, so you can watch the words appear live as I'm writing. I will try to write at least 1667 words every day, and post one chapter on Wattpad every day for your enjoyment. If you like this story, I really would appreciate if you can support me.

Also, this year I will be travelling around the UK, visiting the NaNoWriMo write-in events for different regions. If you want me to say hi, and you're in the UK, then please let me know when/where your region's events are. I will do my best to get to as many as I can.

Thank you, everybody!

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