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He rushed down the street, keeping his head down, his hat, hiding his face. He didn't want to hear the whispers, seeing the people pointing, or the phones being pulled out to snap a picture. All he wanted was to be left alone, but no, he never would be. Growling under his breath, feeling eyes burning into him, he glanced about and spotted a store up ahead, called Sweet Temptations. He picked up his pace and slipped inside, the bell above it, stopping him in his tracks, and his shoulders hunched to his ears.

Glancing around, the mouth watering smell, had his head spinning, but no one that was sat at the tables or in the comfy chairs even spared him a glance. Closing the door behind him, he could hear the sound of singing, and he raised his head.

Right there, across from him, was a woman, with honey blonde coloured hair tied up in a messy bun, dancing behind a counter, her back moving to whatever it was she was singing to. He couldn't see what she was doing, but the drool puddling in his mouth, had him stepping forward, until he bumped into the counter.

He watched as he back straightened and she whipped around, her pale green eyes falling on him... 'Hi. What can I get you?..'.. Her accent wasnt americn, british maybe? And he noticed she was dusted in a white powder and when he took in what she had been doing, his eyes widened on her creation.

'Did you make that?..'.. His eyes remained on it.

'Oh..'... Willa glanced back at her creation and then to him with a smile... 'Yes. A friend of mine, her son is 8 this weekend, and he's an Avengers fan. He couldn't decide who he wanted, so I made them all..'.. She gestured to the large chiller to her left, with clear glass doors... 'All 13 of them, this was the last one..'

'How did you make them?..'.. He looked over to the chiller, seeing Sam Wilson at the front in his suit, the wings out as though he was flying straight up, and the detail was amazing, that he couldn't help but smile.

'Chocolate, sculpted them all. I'll be making the cake tomorrow, so it will set by Saturday for me to transport it..'.. He couldn't help but be fascinated by the artwork. She had created a doll sized replica of him, right there. He never thought anyone would approve of him being in the Avengers.

He noticed her frown, her eyes on whatever it was behind him and she nodded... 'Go left through the stacks..'... She pulled something from her apron pocket, placing it on the counter... 'Right at the back, there's a green door, take the stairs up. You'll come to the balcony above us. Take a seat and relax, I got you..'.. Her eyes flicked back to him with a smile... 'Go on..'

He looked down, seeing a key, and he could hear a muffled drone. That's when he realised he had been followed. Snatching the key up, he rushed off through the shevles of books, and did as she said, but when he glanced back, he saw her hop over the counter, a scowl set on her face... 'Unless you're here as a regular, bugger off..'.. She yanked the door open, yelling at the crowd outside.

He couldn't help but chuckle, as he headed to the door, she sure wasn't as sweet as she looked. Once he got up top, he was surrounded by more books it looked like something out of a story, the deep greens, browns, reds. As though the outside was seeping into the building, an inside forest. Carefully making his way to the balcony, he could still hear her ranting at the people.

'Let me put this in simpler terms, so you can all understand me, seeing as not one of you have any brain cells, let alone any decency..'.. She pulled herself up to her full height, hands on hips... 'Fuck off!..'... She shouted, and he stepped back, fighting a laugh.

Who was this woman? She didn't know who he was, did she? Yet here this woman was, protecting him. It took a few more minutes, but the crowd dispersed, and she stepped back inside, the bell tinkling as she slammed the door behind her... 'Damn vultures..'

'Got anymore lemon tarts Willa?..'.. His eyes drifted to the older gentleman by the window, near the door. The man didn't seem fazed at all by what happened, just kept reading his book in the large comfy chair.

'For you George, always. How's the book?..'.. He watched her jump back over the counter, dusting her hands off. He couldn't believe that not a single one sat inside, seemed to have moved over the disturbance, instead, they had all chuckled at it.

'Its great, thanks for the recommendation. Alison asked if you have any of those regency romance books? She liked the last ones you sent home for her..'.. George smiled over at her.

'Oh absolutely. I had her in mind when I went hunting..'.. Willa, that was her name, and as he stood up top, watching her, he couldn't take his eyes off her as she moved around... 'I have quite a few, but I'll let you take some home with you, and drop the rest off later after I close up..'

'You're a good girl Willa, I hope you don't get trouble from the rabble..'.. George gestured to the door, and she laughed.

'I am very skilled in the kitchen George, trust me, I can handle them. I just don't like people being harassed, no matter who they are..'.. Seeing her look up at him with a smile, he stepped back fast, but his leg caught something and he tumble to the floor. Hearing a smash next to him, his eyes widened, realising he had broken a vase, flowers scattered with the broken pieces and he was now laying in a puddle... 'You want tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate or something stronger up there?..'... He heard her call.

Bucky closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath. This was just great. He gets hassled wherever he went anyway, but right now, as the puddle reached his ass, he wished he had just stayed with Steve and Sam instead of humiliating himself right now... 'Something stronger..'.. He called back, wondering how the hell he was going to explain his wet pants when he caught up with the other two shortly.


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