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Willa rubbed her hands on her jeans, anxious about it, sitting beside Sara's bed, waiting for him to come. She didn't want to have hope, but it was there, burning inside her, that she could have her best friend, her cousin back. Bouncing her leg, she tried to distract herself while she waited, it was almost 10.30, and she worried that he would be late or something would come up.

'Are you alright?..'.. Her head whipped around, both him and Thor stood by the window and she glanced to the door, seeing it was still closed.

'Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Thank you..'.. She stood up, wiping her hands on her tshirt. She gave a smile to the two of them, nodding her head... 'Your highness..'

Thor chuckled, patting Lokis shoulder... 'I like her. It is good to see you fairing well this morning, my lady..'

'As do you. Everything ok?..'.. She looked between them.

'Yes, I have explained to the others, but kept one or two things out of it..'.. Loki gave her a small smile... 'May I?..'.. He gestured to Sara in the bed.

'Yes, please..'.. She remained where she was, watching as he walked to the other side of the bed, and Thor came to her side... 'I know I shouldn't be too hopeful, but I can't help it..'

'To hold hope, it is not a terrible thing, it is belief that things could and can be better..'.. Thor tells her.

'True..'.. She tilted her head side to side... 'Its strange to believe that we're somehow connected though..'.. She went silent, as Loki placed one hand to Sara's head, the other to the top of her chest, by her throat. She held her breath, and crossed her fingers.

Loki focused, sending little waves of magic through her, but something felt off. He increased his magic, and then he realised, but it was too late. Sara's body arched slightly off the bed, and the machines around her began to let out high pitched beeps. He stumbled back, feeling nothing but panic and grief, as Willa rushed to the other side.

'Whats happened?!..'.. She took Sara's hand in hers, as the flat tone emitted from the machine... 'No, no no!..'.. This couldn't be happening... 'Do something!..'.. She stared across to loki, seeing fear.

'Brother, what happened?..'.. Thor came to the end of the bed, looking between the three.

'Get out!..'.. She practically shouted at the two of them... 'Get out, now!..'

Lokis heart ached, but Thor grabbed him, and he took one last look at Willa, seeing her tears fall, as he disappeared with Thor.

Willa felt the sob break from her, and seconds later the door burst open, Christine and others flooding in the room. She stepped back to the window, watching as they tried to revive Sara, but it was as though she already knew, they were too late.


Loki wrenched himself from Thor, dropping to sit on his bed, his head in his hands. He didn't know, not until it was too late, but he was sure that she would blame him.

'Brother? Loki, what happened?..'.. Thor moved to sit across from him in the chair, and Loki shook his head, not looking at him.

'She was under a spell, I did not know..'.. Thor sat up straight... 'My magic, it ignited it, and it killed her..'.. He could hear the pain in Loki as he spoke.

'I do not understand..'..

Loki let out a breath, sitting up... 'The girl was under a spell, dark magic. I could feel resistance, but I tried again, and it ignited the spell. I do not know who could have done such a thing, but it has been there for some time..'

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