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Willa huffed out a breath, initiated that she was even there. She already took note of who was where, even spotting Fury talking with Hill in the corner. The director had noticed her, and he was shocked to say the least. She couldn't give any indication that she knew him, so she left her girls, heading to the bar.

Grace, Anna, Mika, Christi and Pheobe, were there, and unfortunately, Morgan couldn't make it back from the UK in time, but she did offer to have lunch the next day, which made up for it.

Out of them all, Willa was the only one who wasn't dressed to impress, she made the point to the girls, if she had to go, she would, but she'd be comfortable in what she was wearing. Grace tried to talk her out if the home tshirt, worried about offending, but Willa didn't give two fucks if she upset someone by her clothing.

'A pint of cider, witha double shot of blackcurrant juice if you have any..'.. She asked the barman, who pulled a face at her request but set about to do it.

'Whats that drink about?..'... She sighed, rolling her eyes before turning to the widow.

'Hard liquor isn't best for me right now, especially when I'm pissed off, so cider and black is the next best thing..'.. Willa drummed her fingers on the bar as she leaned her hip on it... 'You're gorgeous by the way..'.. Her eyes trailed over the agent... 'Why isn't a guy on his knees wearing your dress as a hat?..'

Nat burst out laughing, mainly for the looks people were giving Willa as she spoke, and not quietly. Bucky who was next to them, became very interested on the bottles behind the bar... 'I think I intimidate them..'.. She shrugged.

'Pussies..'.. Willa huffed... 'You're a fucking goddess and should be worshipped..'.. She checked how the bartender was doing on her drink... 'Make that 20 pints!..'.. She called to him... 'We're going to need them..'... She turned back to Romanoff... 'If a guy fails to do the job right, come see me, I know how a womans body works, and I don't need GPS to find the gspot or the clit..'

Coughs, and wheezing could be heard, and Nat was thoroughly amused, feeling much better about herself, since the mission... 'This you, outside of work hours?..'.. Nat moved to stand with Willa at the bar, as the pints started lining up.

'This is me, unfiltered and no fucks. Also, I didn't want to be here, but Stark threatened me with you all..'.. Willa shrugged, picking up a pint, and taking a deep breath.

Bucky watched, his eyes wide as she drank it down in one go, setting the empty glass on the bar before picking up another and doing the same. When she finished, she let out the most unlady-like burp, that drew so much attention. Hell, fuck Thor and the ale incident, this was the highlight of his post Hydra life. Tony looked like he was chewing rocks, throwing glares over to Willa. Bucky heard what Willa said about Tony, so he guessed this was payback.

'They any good?..'.. He gestured to the row of drinks on the bar for her.

'Try one..'.. She slide one over to him, and he picked it up, taking a mouthful. It wasn't the best, but he wasn't backing out now.

'Anyone else want a pint of piss water?..'.. Willa called loudly, making Bucky cough on the drink, gasping for breath while Nat laughed loudly.

'Cannot be any worse than the swill at the tavern in Asgard..'.. Loki chuckled, coming to join them with Thor, picking up a drink, as did his brother.

'Sure, why not?..'... Sam, Steve and the rest of the team join them, each one taking a glass, except Tony, who was talking to a senator, watching as chaos was about to ensue.

Willa ordered more drinks, her friends joining the group, which was now getting a lot of attention... 'Here's a toast for you, we have this a lot in Wales.'.. Willa spoke loudly... 'Here's to love, heres to honor..'.. She smirked to Stark, seeing him glare, she was sure he'd bust a vein in his forehead... 'If you can't come in her, come on her!..'.. She downed her drink in one, as others were either stunned or laughing at what she said.

'Thanks for the invite Stark, but I've had my fill, so fuck you very much, and have a nice night!..'.. She gave him a little salute, and then flipped him off, walking out of the large ballroom.

'Holy shit..'... Bucky could see that Nat was wiping tears, from laughing so much, and everyone else, including Willas friends, were all amused at what had happened... 'I love her..'.. Nat sighed.

'Willa is a wild card..'.. One of the women said. Bucky looked her over, and smiled, seeing Sam step closer to the woman... 'Sorry, I'm Mika..'.. She introduced the others with her... 'When Willa is backed into a corner, she will fight her way out, and as much as this is amazing..'.. She waved her hand around... 'Its not Willa..'

'She hated coming here..'.. Grace sighed... 'She planned for a Halloween party for the children this evening at the store, but Starks threat of having you all come a drag her here, she didn't want that attention..'

Steve shook his head, feeling irritated by Tony... 'We wouldn't have done that. If she said no, it means no. I'll talk with Tony, please tell Willa we're sorry, we didn't know he said that to her..'

'Someone want to fill me in on what the hell you were all doing?!..'.. Everyone turns, seeing Tony look angry, but the woman, Anna stepped to him, jabbing her finger into his chest.

'You're an asshole Mr Stark, that's what happened. You threatened our friend to be here, embarrassed her, and because of that, she had to break kids hearts tonight, by cancelling their Halloween party. She just treated you with the same courtesy as you did with her, so be thankful she didn't trash the place or hit you, its the least you deserve..'.. Her friends came to stand with her, and they all glared at Tony.

Loki was amused, watching Stark back up, his hands in surrender... 'I was just trying to get her here, because they got a crush..'.. He gestured to Steve and Bucky.

'Learn to think about others, rather than yourself. Did it even occur to you, that she had plans? Not everything revolves around you..'.. Grace reprimands him... 'Come in girls, let's go. I'd rather drink watered down shots in dive bar than be here..'.. She sneered at Stark, and headed out with her friends.

'Best, party, ever..'.. Sam chuckled quietly.

'You know what?..'.. Pietro shook off his jacket, and rolled up his sleeves half way... 'A bar sounds good..'.. He smirked around at the others... 'Think the girls will let us join them?..'

Others caught on, and they agreed, leaving Tony with a pissed off Pepper, scowling at him for what he did, rather than what just happened, and Rhodey who was trying to keep people's attention, telling a story rather than the scene going on.

Tony had no idea as to what the fuck happened, but this wasn't what was meant to happen. He was trying to get her to the party, so both soldiers would pull their heads out of their asses, and hopefully one would've made a move. He looked around, seeing Fury, with an unreadable expression so he headed over, dismissing Hill who just laughed.

'That didn't look good, for you Stark. Your team leaving? It doesn't bode well, if anyone thinks there is trouble between you..'.. Fury spoke quietly enough that Tony heard him.

'That wasn't my fault, that was on your agent..'.. Tony folded his arms, watching Fury, but the man gave nothing away, he really was 'the' spy.


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