2023 - where am I now?

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Oh hello there!

I'm imagining my voice echoing in an empty chamber, since I know no one will see this. But still, it will be fascinating for me to read back, just as it is interesting for me to read back on the previous entries!

Although this diary is less fascinating... and more of a total snoozefest, if I'm being honest. But I guess that's telling in its own way? For a lot of us, covid was truly just... boring. Not to take away from all the deaths, the stress, the mental illness, the knock-on effect on education, child development etc OF COURSE. But as a middle class 15-year-old girl living in a coastal town in Wales, where covid hadn't even arrived yet, my life was hardly going to be newsworthy. In fact, despite the mind-numbing boredom I was experiencing, I was very lucky. My family of five had rooms to ourselves, access to gorgeous walks up in the hills. My parents could both work from home and while they were busy, they could still look after me and my siblings. I'd go running on the prom next to the sea. Breathe in generally unpolluted air considering the lack of traffic. Life was tedious, news depressing, everything uncertain... but I was one one of the lucky ones.

Anyway, it feels very strange to look back on that time. Not so long ago, really, but it's like it was all a dreamy haze. Maybe I felt very bad during that time, but I struggle to remember. Maybe it's just as well. My memories of wiping down the shopping and constantly washing my hands and spending afternoons in bed can be replaced with happier things. 

I am 19 years old. I have finished school. Since I wrote that last entry in 2020, I've attended two schools. One in Norway for the school year—immensely challenging—and then two at a school back in Wales where I grew up (also challenging). I could go on a whole rant about why I hate the education system, about how unnecessarily difficult school was for me, what I wish could've been different.

But I won't. I'm out now. I've got my A-levels, or two at least. Next month I go to France to be an Au Pair! Well, as long as I get all my paperwork in...

Reading this diary, as well as my other one, has made me realise something. I'm a little bit older now, maybe a little more mature, have a little more knowledge. But I don't think I've changed that much. Oh, I'm definitely more confident. Which is a good feeling. But what's an even better feeling is seeing that I'm exactly who I've always known myself to be. 

Anyway. A-levels? Check. Written a spoof novel called "the bad boy loves me"? Check. Made new friends? Check! Cleaned my room yet? Well...

To anyone who sees this: I wish you the best of luck on whatever chapter of your life you're currently on. And remember, stay true to yourself, don't be afraid to try new things... and never think you're stuck on one path. There's always other options out there, maybe they just haven't revealed themselves to you yet. 🩷


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