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It was a slow day at the European Branch of Black Order, and Freya Chesterfields was walking down to her room after a training session. She was passing Komui's office as the gatekeeper began to alert an intruder outside. The next second, she was already making her way to the gate. On the way, she ran into Kanda, the dark-haired stoic exorcist hurrying the same way. Her long, red hair was the first feature that the young man took into his vision as he looked at her.

"I can take care of it myself. Go rest." he stated sternly, as if ordering her.

"Did you forget who you are talking to?" she clapped back as she strode faster, her heels clicking on the hard floors of the building.

"Tch..." was all that Kanda muttered as he also walked faster.

They made their way to the gate, ready to exterminate the intruder.

"Final wishes, demon?" Freya asked as her hands began to light up and sparkle with her Innocence, while Kanda took out his sword.

"Hey... look, I'm serious! I'm not an Akuma! I'm just a little bit cursed!" the poor white haired boy said, fact that made Freya stop for a second, taking in his appearance as her eyes stopped on the pentagram above his eye, without paying attention to Kanda who already was charging an attack at the youngster in front of her.

"Kanda, stop!" she shouted as she teleported between them. "It's true. He is human. He has the same pentagram." she added as she caught Kanda's sword with her hands, her Innocence already active. She opposed the young samurai for long enough as Komui confirmed that indeed the white-haired boy was Cross's pupil, to which Kanda let down his sword, looking at Freya's hands, that were bleeding.

"Stupid brat. You got hurt defending that cursed scum. But it was expected from you, since you are the same as him." he added before making his way inside the headquarters.

Freya let her head hang low as a huge wave of anger washed through her, her Innocence changing from the warm yellow to dark purple and then to a bright red, her blood coming through her right hand and materialising into a long sword. In one jump, she charged at Kanda, and she pushed him to the ground, the sword right into his neck.

"Now, now... let's see who the real scum is, Kanda." she said as she put more pressure on his neck. "Look, I really don't want to kill you, but if you ever say that again, I give you my word, I will slice your damn throat open and leave you to bleed to death. Why? Because I'm fucking done with your arrogant ass of an attitude!" she said as she retreated her sword that vanished back into her arm before getting off of the samurai and leaving after she nodded to Lenalee.

She made her way straight to the dining hall, as she promised Jerry that she will help in the kitchen during dinner. She got in the kitchen after she hung her coat and took an apron and a bandana to tie her hair with. Jerry approached her cautiously as he sensed that she had been brought into a state of rage.

"Everything alright, Freya?"

"Yeah. Just Kanda being stupid. I almost killed him today."

"Oh... so, same old bickering." Jerry added as he made his way to serve some people. As he finished serving a group of finders, he saw Kanda entering the dining hall, a bandage around his neck. His face fell, as he really did not expect exactly to see the samurai in such a state. He looked terrified at the redhead. "You really were not joking when you said 'almost killed him today'."

"He's here already?" she asked as she poured a bowl of soba and handed it to Jerry. "He can go fuck himself for all I care."

"Freya! You can't talk like this about your fellow comrades!" Jerry shouted, his voice heard in the whole hall, followed by a wave of silence. He turned to serve other people only to be met by Kanda. "Here you go, Kanda. Enjoy your meal!" he said after a few seconds of shock. After the dark haired man left, he turned back to Freya. "Okay! You're done for today. I can take it from here! Go rest, relax or do something else. I don't need you in this state in my kitchen!" He said as he ushers her out, Freya pretty much confused. "But before you go, eat your dinner." he added as she placed a tray of food in her hands.

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