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After getting off the train, the crew made their way in town. As night time was approaching, they decided to stop at an inn as they all needed a much needed night of rest. Tiedoll and Marie were walking in front of Kanda and Freya, the latter two walking rather close one to the other. From time to time, Kanda would throw a glimpse at the redhead exorcist, only to observe her better. He felt a wave of concern as he took in her slightly exhausted appearance, the bags under eyes, her skin rather pale than usual, and the dishevelled rebel locks in her hair. He kept wondering what that feeling that just couldn't let him mind his own business was. But he remembered what Tiedoll told him not too long ago. 'You can't deny it, Kanda. With all that constant bicker and insults that you say to each other, it is clear that both of you carry feelings for each other. You are just too proud and stubborn to admit it. Both of you.' His words kept on coming back to him, irritating him somehow. His string of thoughts is broken at the sudden scream coming somewhere from his right. He turned only to see Freya already ready to take off and attack the army of Akumas. He grabbed Mugen as he quickly followed his comrades into battle.

They fought back and forth, killing one Akuma only to be met with two others coming their ways. Kanda kept on slicing and destroying their enemies, but he also paid attention to Freya, who was also fighting three Akumas at once. He slightly saw with the corner of his eye one Akuma ready to blast an attack on his fellow exorcist, but he couldn't get there in time to aid the redhead, only for her to get hit.

"Freya!" Kanda shouts as he manages to make his way to her, getting a hold of her.

"Don't... worry... I'll be alright... Killer Queen is already healing me..." she spoke as her aura changed to green, only for her to wince in pain as the Akuma marks of the hit were disappearing from her skin. "Okay, Killer Queen, grab as much life force you need. We need... to destroy the Akumas." she added as her breath was heavy, clearly the whole process taking a toll on her body.

Kanda shouts to Marie and Tiedoll to cover him as he takes Freya in his arms to get her out of harm's way, the two exorcists already on duty. He helped her lay down and leaned on a wall, his face showing exactly what he was afraid of - concern. Freya looked up at him, only to throw him a reassuring smile while Killer Queen kept on healing her. After a few moments, her aura changed back to red, the redhead getting back on her feet, ready to get back into the fight. Kanda stood a moment as he watched her every move and the look of determination on her face.

"Are you sure you can keep fighting?" Kanda asked.

"Yeah. No worries. One hit won't kill me. Let's go!" Freya said as she launched herself into battle.

After finally dealing with the Akumas, they finally made their way to an inn. They waited in the reception hall as Tiedoll spoke with the owner.

"I'm sorry, general, but we only have two rooms left." the man spoke softly.

"It's alright. We'll manage. Thank you very much." the general said as he took two keys. "Children, Marie, Kanda, and I will share a room. Freya, you will have a room to yourself." he spoke as he handed a key to the redhead.

"General, you don't have to be all cramped up in one room. I can share it with one of you." Freya spoke as she tried to avoid any discomfort for the three males, just 'cause she was a young woman.

"I'll stay with you." Kanda said as he made his way to her side.

"Oh... alright." she agreed, only to hear her stomach grumble, her face turning red with embarrassment. "Damn... Killer Queen ate more resources than usual today... I'm starving..."

"There's a tavern down the street from here. It's on the left side of the road. The food is excellent there." the innkeeper spoke in order to help them.

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