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The next morning, Freya woke up feeling some weight over her body, only for her shock to find herself in Kanda's arms. Her body went stiff as her face turned a bright shade of red. She let out a sigh, relieved that Kanda was still asleep. She tried to get out of his embrace slowly, not wanting to wake him up, but she failed as she sensed him pulling her closer to his body.

"Go back to sleep. The sun's not even up. You need to rest." the black-haired male told her before drifting back to sleep.

"But... what if Marie and the general are up already?" she asked, a bit flustered by Kanda's action.

"No. They're not. Now go back to sleep." he stated, his eyes closed. "You need to rest. We still have a long way to go before we reach Edo."

Freya let out a sigh as she decided that any more efforts would be futile, so she decided to listen and go back to sleep. In all honesty, she felt weirdly comfortable in Kanda's arms, but the warmth that his body gave lulled her back to sleep, but not before thinking about what Lenalee once told her. From the girl's point of view, there are chances that she and Kanda might develop feelings for each other. A shiver went down her spine as she remembered those words, her sudden move making Kanda snap his eyes open.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" he asked as he looked at her.

"Yeah. It's alright. Just a shiver that went down my spine." she spoke softly, almost a whisper as she burried her red face in her colleague's chest. What she didn't realise was that Kanda was also blushing taken aback by her sudden act.

"Are you sure?" Kanda asked again. "Freya, look at me." he added as he lifted her chin with his free hand, only for him to be met by her red cheeks. "Are you sure you're alright? You look like you have a fever." he placed his hand on her forehead. "You don't seem like burning up, though..." and that was the moment it hit him. She could not, could she? Could she have feelings for him? As his mind was racing with those thoughts, he kept looking from her eyes to her lips, a sudden urge to kiss her rushing through his body. He slowly began to close the distance between their lips, and he almost did, if he wasn't interrupted by the sudden knock on the door that made him sit straight up, a little bit annoyed by the whole situation.

"Kanda? Freya? Are you up? General and I will be waiting downstairs for you." Marie said.

"Yeah. We'll be there in 10 minutes!" Freya said as she got up and made her way to her belongings and began to gather her clothes before she turned to Kanda. "I'll go change in the bathroom, so you can also get ready."

After Freya went in the bathroom, Kanda stood up, a little bit confused by what had happened before, but still annoyed that Marie interrupted him. After shaking his head, he finally began to get ready.


After thanking the innkeeper, the four exorcists went on with their journey to Edo. As usual, Marie and Tiedoll were leading the way, leaving Kanda and Freya behind. The two young exorcists weren't talking much, both of them still processing the moment from this morning. Hilarious enough, both Marie and Tiedoll caught up something that happened between the redhead and the samurai, which made them exchange glances from time to time, a well-known smile on their faces. Throughout their way to the next town, Freya and Kanda's hands would touch involuntarily, thing that made both of them turn their heads in opposite directions, hiding their red faces. After a while, frustrated, Freya walked forward. All that she wanted was to stay away from Kanda. For now. But she suddenly stopped in her tracks as she felt her curse mark twitch, and her innocence activated.

"Prepare. Enemy ahead. It's probably 10 meters away from here." she said before launching up to survey the area.

"Okay. While Freya surveys the air... care to explain what's going on with you both?" Tiedoll asked Kanda.

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