Chapter 3 : The mysterious heroine

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Translated by Chili

After causing too much destruction on the beach, the Egg Crawler started dancing victoriously, since there was no rival to match it.

Dr. Eggman (inside the dancing robot): Come on, my dear people. Don't let a little dust and rubble ruin your vacations. Now sing with me! In the sea, life is nicer.

Cream (With Cheese in her arms): I'm confused.

Tikal (Confused): Was he always that weird?

Amy (Angry): He is getting crazier with each passing year.

Dr. Eggman (inside the robot): Bah! I'm tired of waiting. Since nobody is here to face me, then I'll start with the demolition of this awful hotel.

Eggman pressed a button from his control panel, triggering a small army of crab-shaped robots to emerge from the beach sands. These robots were significantly smaller than the Egg Crawler, but they had a red shell, red eyes with sky blue pupils, and were equipped with missile launchers on their claws.

Once on the surface, the mechanical crabs walked towards their leader and got into lines in front of him, ready to receive orders.

Tikal (Scared): What are those things?

Amy (wielding her hammer): Crabmeats... I thought they were obsolete!

Dr. Eggman (inside the robot): You know me. I'm a nostalgic man. Besides, these little ones are better at destroying stuff than fighting. Hehehehe. Go ahead, my metallic crustaceans! Take down that monument to laziness and build a statue in my honor.

Bokkun (floating close to his boss): You heard the boss! Get to work!

After receiving the order to demolish the building, the Crabmeats walked towards the base of the structure and started to bomb it with their missiles.

The explosions caused a lot of commotion between the hostages, who screamed while they tried to protect themselves from the rubble that was hurtling towards them. Luckily, the hotel was already evacuated, but Dr. Eggman was causing a lot of destruction all over the place.

Cream (protecting Cheese): Amy! We must do something!

Tikal (protecting some kids): But what can WE do?!

Amy (protecting some kids): Remain calm! We have to protect these people until help comes!

Suddenly, a blue burst passed right by our side and attacked some crabmeats, destroying them in the act. Then, the remaining Crabmeats stopped shooting and focused all their attention on the arriving hero, who skidded until fully stopping in the middle of the auditorium.

Sonic (looking at the three girls): Hey girls, am I late for the party?

Amy (protecting some kids): Hmp! What do you think?

In that moment, Sonic noticed me.

Sonic (looking at Tikal): Hey... I know you!

Dr. Eggman (inside the robot): Uh... Sonic. You finally decided to show up, for being the fastest thing alive you always make me wait until the last moment.

Sonic (looking at the Egg Crawler): That's to make our meetings more exciting, Egghead. Besides, that way, I don't have to listen to your boring monologues.

Dr. Eggman (inside the robot): Hmhmhm... You're feeling comical today, huh? Let's see who laughs last.

The Egg Crawler opened its large pincers and adopted a combat pose towards Sonic, who responded by doing the same.

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