Do something babe, say something

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don't read if sexual assault being mention and implied triggers you. please skip if it does.

Pip and Ravi were at a college party, at well, Pips college. Ravi had become friends with some of the guys so he didn't mind going to these parties with Pip.

"Hey Pip." James said to her while she was getting hawwian punch becuase she still hated drinking.

James was an upperclassman at her college. Pip hated him never really knew why but always got a bad feeling about him..

"What do you want James?" Pip said in a very annoyed tone.

"Come follow me."

"What no! Are you crazy?!"

He knew how to get her upstairs.

"It had to do with Ravi."

"What? Okay where?"

"Just follow me."

He took her by the hand and led her to an empty room on the very top floor forgetting to lock the door beheind him.

"James what are you doing? Where's Ravi?" Pip said panicky.

"I don't know nor do I care." He said pinning Pip against the wall.



"STOP AH." Pip repeatedly screamed while pulling at his hair to make him stop.

He moved his hands to her waist pushing her as far as he could onto the bare wall. He started kissing her hard. But she was so pushed up against that wall that she couldn't pull away.

He pulled his lips away and put his middle an index finger on her lips so she wouldn't scream. The only sound she could get out was muffled "mmm!" and "ahh!" and one "stop!" that sounded like "stock".

She eventually gave up fighting it and just let him do whatever. He took off her shirt and then her bra. He started sucking on her boobs.

He was then cupping her boobs and kissing her when someone walked in.


Ravi walked in.

"What the fuck!" was all he could say.

"James, out!" James ran out, terrified seeing Ravi.


Pip was crying and looking down not even bearing to look at Ravi.

"Pip what was happening in here?" Ravi said with his voice breaking becuase he truly believed something else happend and that Pip wasn't cheating on him.

Pip still wasn't looking up.

Ravi shut the door then grabbed Pips hand and sat her on the couch that was in the room.

"Pip were you cheating on me?"

Pip finally looks up and that!s when Ravi notices e stained mascara tears in her face.

"Pip what's wrong why are you crying."

Pip just had more chocked sobs.

"Pip. What. Happend."

"I think I- I- cheated on you Ravi. I'm so confused. I'm sorry."

"Tell me everything that happend Pip." Ravi was crying now. "i find it hard to believe you would cheat on me especially with the dude you hate most."

"Uhm okay so i was getting hawwian punch becuase I still hate drinking and be came over and told me to follow him. I said no are you crazy becuase he knows i hate him. Then he said it had something to do with you so i followed him. Then he pinned me up against the wall and started kissing me."

"Pip he fucking sexually assaulted you, you did not cheat."

"There's more though Ravi."

"Okay Sarge tell me more then."

"I kept trying to scream and pulled at his hair but he wouldn't stop. He eventually took off my shirt but when he was doing that he put two of his fingers on my lips so i couldn't scream, and i tried to but eventually gave up. Then he started sucking my boobs and that!s when i really gave up and just let him do whatever. That's why i think i cheated becuase i just let him."

Ravi hadn't even paid any attention to her being shirtless until she said that. He was niw crying nit becuase he thiugh she cheated, but becuase he couldn't protect her from being sexually assaulted.

"Pip you didn't cheat. Don't blame yourself for this. It was all forced you couldn't get out of it. I'm sorry that it happend Pip and i'm sorry i thiught you were cheating."

Ravi hugged her and she layed on his chest. Ravi stroking her hair.

"It's okay Ravi, if i'm being honest i would've thought the same if it was you."

She layed there processing it all still upset and crying. Ravi just stroking her hair paying no mind to her bare chest because he just wasn't like that. He was always very respectful.

"He fucking touched me." Pip said shooting up.

"Pip is there more?"

"No but why did he do that! Why did he fucking do that Ravi? Why!"

"Pip lets go home okay. He was messed up for doing that and i want to fucking kill him for doing that." Pip shot him a look. "But let's go home where are you clothes?"

Pip scanned the room and noticed her took her bra and her shirt.

"That fucker took my clothes."

"What the fuck?! Creep much, here's my hoodie wear this." Ravi said why taking off his hoodie.

"Thank you Ravi." Pip said while kissing him gently on the lips.

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