I Can See You

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so i think i should start paying attention in school bc this is like the 4th one shot i have thought of in school.

this one i thought of in history

i'm passing all my classes at least

Pip and Ravi were cuddling in Ravi's apartment.

Pips head was on his stomache and his legs were over hers.

"Hey Ravi can i tell you something?"

"Anything Sarge."

"Okay so uhm when i was about 10 i was at Cara's house and you know Sal was Naomi's best friend right?"

"Yeah I do i met Naomi a couple times when i was younger at Sal's birthday parties and stuff."

"Okay so me and Cara were in the living room and Sal and Naomi had come down becuase Sal was leaving soon. And i guess you were picking him up to walk home or something becuase you were far to young to have your liscense."

"Yeah whenever he want over there i would pick him up and we would walk home together, it was just something we enjoyed."

"Oh that's sweet. But uhm when you came inside to pick him up I got like a major crush on you. I thought you were so cute and I thought it was so sweet and gentleman like how you were picking up your older brother."

"Ohh so you did just do the school project to get with your devishlly handsome boyfriend? I see you Pip."

Pip sits up off his chest and grabs a pillow and smacks him, then says, "Shut up Ravi!" While laughing, "You know i knew Sal he helped me with homework and watched me and Cara a couple times when Naomi was buying candy."

Normally when anyone brought up Sal he got really sad but this just made him blush.

"That!s acctually really cute though Pip. So what you've liked me for eleven years now?"

"You're blushing Ravi. And i guess so, I never really liked anyone and you were always at the back of my mind. When the whole Andie/Sal case came out i couldn't stop thinking about you. Then one day when i needed to choose my capstone project, and fuck face ward was driving me and like half my friend group home I saw you walking. The car jolted becuase he said he thought he saw "someone" and no one else really looked, but I did and then everything came rushing back. I wanted to prove Sal innocent for you and for him. I a,ways felt bad at how the town treated you guys after the case came out. After spending more and more time with you i realized just how much i liked you."

"Awe Pips, you're so sweet." Ravi says pulling her back down onto his chest.

"Also Pip."


"I saw you too, I thought it was cute thst whenever i looked into your direction you blushed and turned away. I asked Sal who you were once and he said that you were Naomi's little sisters friend and that you were a bright kid."

"I did not Ravi!"

"You did too. It was so cute."


"I love you Sarge."

"I know, i love you too Ravi."

bahahah this was so fun to write

idk how to end it

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