I invite all who have not yet entered into the fold of Islam to listen to a sincere invitation from one who only wants good for you: Save yourself before death takes you by surprise; and thus, you die upon other than Islam-what a great loss that is!
Do you know what dying upon other than Islam means? It means that you would enter the Hellfire, abiding therein for eternity. This is what Allah has warned all those who die without embracing Islam. So why would you take a chance with an issue as grave as this?
I am going to ask you a question that I want you to answer honestly:
What would you lose if you embraced Islam?
If you embrace Islam, you can continue living your normal ordinary life, but in a more spiritual, organized, and pleasant fashion...and after death, tremendous delight and eternal pleasure await you.
If you have reached a level of conviction, believing that Islam is the true religion, but fear that embracing Islam would prevent you from enjoying pleasures that you cannot live without, then compare these temporary pleasures with eternal pleasure. Which of the two should be given preference?
Furthermore, you can embrace Islam and then gradually try to reduce such pleasures. And if you were to honestly invoke Allah, He would surely aid you in leaving them. In any case, embracing Islam and having shortcomings is better than not embracing Islam at all.
If the barrier between you and Islam is due to having a weak personality, the inability to make such a big decision, or because you fear that people may talk about you or mock you, know that these are just unrealistic thoughts. You would not be the first person to embrace Islam; a lot of others have made the decision to do so. They did not lose anything, their lives were not ruined, nor do they have any regrets. Furthermore, does it make sense that you sacrifice your own wellbeing and happiness in this life and in the hereafter just because you fear mockery or admonishment?
This affair is worthy of your time. Contemplate upon it deeply.
My last words: Do not lose yourself! I ask Allah to bless you with true guidance.
One who wishes only the best for you,
-Dr. Saleh Sindi
(A.N. You can find this book on my profile titled as Searching For happiness? By our beloved shaykh Salih Sindi.)
I closed the book with a heavy yet peaceful heart.
Yesterday's evening went beautifully and it was the most happy moment of my life. I enjoyed Daniel and Marwans's playful bickering, Aslam's brotherly figure, and most importantly, prof's words of wisdom.
If a story like the story of the companion Umar was not something to turn a person towards Islam than I do not know what will. The story was indeed a gem. Once listening to it and the beautiful story of Professor Hassan, there left nothing in my heart that could stop me from embracing Islam.
Muawiyah Holmes
Spiritualبسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. On every page that you turn, Is a benefit that you learn, For Muslims it is fiction, But for sincere ones it is a step towards Al-Mannān, It is refutation of the books that are called 'Muslim Fiction'. Mu'awiyah Holmes, thi...