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Assalamu 'Alaykum everyone, hope you all are doing well with the permission of Allah Subhânahu Wata'ala.

This is not an update, I'm here to inform you that Alhamdulillah, this story has reached its intermission.

The first half of this book dealt with how Michael becomes interested in Islam and some issues pertaining the difference between misguided and rightly guided. Everyone is called 'Muslims', but the one who follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah upon the Methodology of the pious predecessors, he is the Muslim upon correct Aqeedah.

The first half also dealt with deviance and ignorance of many Muslims and how the devil traps them, he beautifies sins, big and small, and innovations for them.

May Allah protect us.

I'm grateful to Allah that He guided you to read this book and I pray to Allah that you found it as  beneficial as myself. Alhamdulillah.

A feedback of few words from my readers would be really appreciated, may Allah grant you all success in this world and the Hereafter.

Below is an aesthetic I made for whatever  preceded up unitl now, summarising the 11 chapters in a collage:

Below is an aesthetic I made for whatever  preceded up unitl now, summarising the 11 chapters in a collage:

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The other half of this book is about main female leads. There will be clarification of some common misconceptions among Muslims and deviance. In Shaa Allah.

May Allah make this book a kind reminder, beneficial advice and a means of guidance for all of us. Ameen.

See you all in the next chapter, In Shaa Allah.

Assalamu 'Alaykum.


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