Chapter 43

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"Naruto": let's have a talk.
Iruka: Naaaarrruuuutttooo? Whyyyy iiissss yyyyooouurrr eeeyyeess rrreeeeddd?
Anko: (cover his mouth and pull him aside)
Itachi: (joking tone) what's with the red eyes? Cosplay? (reaching for his Kunai)
Kakashi: (in fighting stance) the kyubi...
"Naruto": Now, now, don't get so hasty. I just wanna talk... (jump out of futon) oi jiji, careful where you hit, you don't want Kit to get hurt right?
Jiraiya: is that a threat?
"Naruto": ah no no, just stating the fact, since the one helping to heal Kit is me. (Slowly went back to the futon)
Tsunade:.... Heal?
"Naruto": what? Are you looking down on me? No matter what you say, I am still the one and only Kyubi! HAHAHAHA!
Iruka: wwwwhhhhyyyyssss nnnaaarruuuutttttoooo llllaaaauuuggg... (mouth got covered by Anko again) mmmmmm?!?!
Anko: just for god sake shut up!!!!
"Naruto": (cough) sorry bout that. Anyways, I think you people are willing to hear what I have to say?
Itachi:... what is it?
"Naruto": Erm.... What should I start with.... That's too many things I need to say...
Jiraiya: then just go straight to the main point.
"Naruto": ah, then the main point is Naruto's dying.


Kakashi: sorry, I think I didn't hear that right... who's dying?
"Naruto": Kit is, I mean Naruto is.
Iruka: (too shocked that he sobered up) WhAT????
"Naruto": and if he dies, I will get release from the seal. And I would, without a doubt, (releasing KI) kill everyone in Konoha
Everyone else:.....
"Naruto": (keeping his KI) sorry, that was unintentional.
Jiraiya: haha...
"Naruto": ? What's so funny?
Jiraiya: Naruto's dying haha... (shakes his head) sorry to burst your bubble but... even if Naruto dies and you get release out of the seal, you most probably need time to reconstruct your body... and by then you would have been reseal into somewhere else.
"Naruto": do you think that the fact that I can take over kit's body says a lot about the seal? Do you really think the seal can contain me?
"Naruto": jeez, you humans are really too full of themselves... anyways I just need you people to do one thing.
Kakashi:... what is it?
"Naruto": (scratch his head) well Erm... just prevent Kit from using any sort of genjutsu... basically yin release jutsu in general.
Itachi: and how is that going to prevent Naruto's supposed death?
"Naruto": haha... look, I say "let's have a talk", not a Q&A session. Just do what you are told and everything would be fine. Naruto don't die and I stay in the seal, happy ending for everyone.
Tsunade: pretty sure if we reseal the Eight Sign Seal, everything would still be solve?
"Naruto": you can reconstruct a building as many times as you want, but without maintenance, the building would only get weaker before it finally collapse.
Anko: ? What do you mean by building? Maintenance?
"Naruto": ah~ I'm tired so good night (lay back down and closes his eyes) remember to keep this as a secret.
Kakashi: wait, you haven't answer our questi...

Naruto slowly opens his eyes, showing his blue eyes. He looks around at Jiraiya they all, with the weapons in their hand.

Naruto:.... what are you people doing?
Iruka:... Naruto?
Naruto: ? Yes?

Everyone except Naruto let out a sigh of relief.

Naruto: ???


Naruto: so you are saying... I fainted at the bar and was brought back to the hostel... however I started to emit Chakra of Kurama, so you guys went into defence mode?
Anko: ya that's about it (thought) technically we didn't lie....
Naruto: ..... is that so?... so it there any progress?
Jiraiya: what progress?
Naruto: progress on persuading Tsunade to go back to Konoha with us?
All of them:.... Ah...!
Jiraiya: ah ya that was a thing!
Naruto:... we did came here just to bring Tsunade back, didn't we? Why do all of you guys seem so clueless?
Itachi: haha... maybe we got too worried...
Kakashi: we should go find Tsunade....
Tsunade:... you people do remember that I'm still here right?
All of them:............ ah
Naruto: good morning Tsunade san.
Tsunade: don't try to cover up the fact that you didn't see me you kid!! And it's already 2am!!

.... Tsunade's giving Naruto a checkup....

Tsunade: your body is completely fine... except for an exceptionally slow breathing, low heartbeat, everything is fine.
Naruto: hm...
Tsunade:... all right you people, out, I need to have a private talk with the kid.
Iruka: (sensei mode) but it's our ressponsibibity to look after a sock child... (got smack in the head) ita...
Anko: you drunkard! Just get outside already you drunkard!
Iruka: but it was you who make me drink all that beer... (got pulled outside)
Kakashi: hai hai, let's get something to get you awake.
Itachi: Tsunade San, we would look for Shizune san who's out buying getting some midnight snack.
Tsunade: thanks.

Everyone left.

Tsunade: now's that everyone is gone... care to explain?
Naruto: explain what?
Tsunade: those injuries you have on your body.
Naruto: ah, its just some injuries I got from training
Tsunade: I don't think stabbing wounds is considered, "injuries from training"?
Naruto: just some accident.
Tsunade: then how about those foreign object in your blood?
Tsunade: (sigh) look... I'm usually not the kind of people who would mind other people's business... but your condition is annoying me like a fly.
Tsunade: I wanted to do a more detailed check but I couldn't... aren't you a little too cautious? To be on guard even though you are unconscious?
Naruto: it's better to be safe than sorry... and I don't really want someone to be checking on my body condition.
Tsunade: because of those foreign substances? Or because of the kyubi?
Naruto: his name's Kurama...maybe both? If those poi... foreign object get remove from my body, I would need to get use to them again... thats troublesome. I only gained resistance to some of them...
Tsunade:..... (sigh and took out a candy) here, got this from some casino's counter... I'm not in any place to say this but look for the adults' help. We are not at war anymore, we do have some leisure to look after some distressed kid.
Naruto: (look at the candy)
Tsunade: ? Something wrong?
Naruto: .... (Shakes his head and took the candy) thanks.
Tsunade: jeez, why is it taking them so long to get a supper?? You stay here, be right back (left)
Naruto: (slowly open the wrapper of the candy, took down his mask and ate the candy) ....yucky, mango flavour...


Naruto: Kurama.... Where are you... don't leave me alone......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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