this is nice

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A/N sorry about the short hiatus. I am currently trying to finish up high school, and helping to be done by Christmas break. So I've been putting my education first before continuing any of my series. But now I have found myself some free time. So care comes the 5th part of this! Also thank you so much for the people who have read this I'm surprised it keeps being added to a lot of people's reading lists so thank you so much ❤️

Pov: Wybie.

I was walking home, and the cat appeared and started walking beside me. I'm smiling with my hands in my pockets thinking about the past few months with Coraline. It's been really nice and I'm glad that we haven't told anyone about our relationship yet. I'm extremely glad because I know once we tell everyone publicly there's going to be a bit of backlash. Coraline's dad already doesn't like me and thinks I'm not good enough to even be her friend, our band maids have made jokes about it and I know most of them would be very supportive... Well except for one. Grandma knows that I have feelings for Coraline but as always told me that I should put my education first before relationships and of course that I'm too young. But Coraline has been the first person who has ever gotten me, when she moved here 6 years ago of course she was a bit of a bully but after the whole situation, we really bonded and now she's my favorite person in the world. As I think to myself, the cat stopped and looks at me as if he's reading my thoughts. And as I look at him, he nods as if to say he approves. I smile and walk into the house. I smell my grandmother's chili and walk into the kitchen. There is a crock pot on the stove with a note on it. *Dear Wybie, I'm going out to bingo tonight at the church. The chili is in the Crock-Pot for you for dinner, please just leave me some for when I get back. Please make sure that you finished your homework and get to bed at a reasonable hour. I love you - Grandma*. I smile to myself, grandma is always taking care of me. When my parents passed away in the car accident when I was 5, she immediately took me in and has made me feel loved all these years. As I make myself a bowl I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Jonsey 💙
Hey, are you going to come to the Christmas party next week?

Of course. Are you?

Jonsey 💙
Well yeah that's why I was asking you. Do you think it's going to be weird, you know with... You know who?

Not unless we make it weird. The dudes weird on his own. We don't even have to engage with him if we don't want to

Jonsey 💙
I was actually thinking, should we kick him out of the band?

I don't know. Are we sure we're not kicking him out of the band because we don't like him or because we don't need him?

Jonsey 💙
I know but, do we really need him. I mean he's not even that good, and technically he's an extra in case we need him. It's gotten to the point that I've told him myself that I don't like him. He never got my hints. But he continues to keep hitting on me, even though I keep telling him to stop. Even Carla is thinking about asking him to leave.

Yeah maybe we should kick him out. I mean sure he's a good guy... Kind of. But if he's not taking you seriously and not even a real asset to the group I don't see what other choice we have

Jonesy 💙

Okay but let's just do it after the Christmas party. I don't want it to be even more awkward than it's already going to be

That's fair. Also I was wondering, should we tell people?

Jonesy 💙
Oh, do you want to? I think if we do we should at least take baby steps

Well I've just been thinking about it. I guess we could just tell her parents first and then wait till you know the band and everyone at school

Jonesy 💙
You want to tell our parents? You know how my dad feels about you

please don't remind me

Jonsey 💙
But that's my point. My dad is not going to like this. My mom likes you so I don't think she would have a problem but it's my dad we have to worry about. Also isn't your grandma like extremely against you dating?

I wouldn't say extremely. She just wants me to put my education first and you know relationships after you know everything else. But I mean we're almost out of high school, we have an amazing band, and we're both on honor roll. I think if I explain it to her in the right way she'd understand

Jonesy 💙
Well if you are okay with my dad trying to shoot you, then I'm okay with telling my parents and your grandma. As long as we do it together

Well I don't know if I agree with shooting, but I think it's time. And of course we'll do it together ❤️

Jonesy 💙
Okay then let's do it. How about you come over after school tomorrow? We can make the excuse that we have a project together that way you know my dad actually agrees to you coming over, and then after we tell them we can go over to your place and tell your grandma.

Sounds like a plan sweetheart

Jonsey 💙
Okay well I have to go eat dinner I'll talk to you later.

talk to you later ❤️

Pov Coraline

I put my phone down and smile. The past few months have been great. Only we know and it's been great just keeping it private. It's kind of like having a secret identity in a way. I walk to the kitchen and see my parents sitting at the table. I sit down and have the biggest grin on my face and I know this because my mother immediately asks me "why are you smiling?". I give her a look and say nothing. I grab a serving of lasagna and a good portion of the salad. "So I was wondering if wybie could come over tomorrow after school? We have a project to work on together and it would be easier if we were here to work on it" I say. My dad's sighs and just looks at his plate. My mom smiles and nods. Even though we together as a family we don't really talk. After my parents have a long day at work and me having a long day at school and practicing with my band we tend to just like to eat in silence. Most people find this weird, why sit together what we don't even talk? Even though you're sitting in silence you are still spending time with your family, at least that's the way I see it. 6 years ago I would have been pestering them and trying to start 5 million conversations, now I understand the point of wanting to spend time together and also wanting some peace and quiet. The only person I actually know who understands this concept is Carla, my friend in our band. I think the only reason she actually understands this though is because silence is the only thing that keeps her from going insane. Her home life isn't that great, so actually hearing silence in her home is like a gift from God. That's why I constantly asked if she can come over so I can give her a break.

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