Chapter 5 | Because I Love You

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Right after Chlorine told me about himself... and just as I was starting to feel sorry for him, just as I was starting to hate him less... why? We were together the entire time, so why didn't I notice anything? Why didn't I notice that he was gone?... I couldn't move for a whole minute, I was stunned. I was frozen there, with no thoughts going through my head.

I felt... vulnerable? No, this isn't good. This makes me an easy target.

I know Chlorine is dead. And I know I could've saved him... but, the past can't be changed. I need to move on. I can't dwell on the past. That's what I told myself at the beginning of the game, that's what I told myself after Chlorine's death. My empathy was really something back then...

Eventually, another minute passed, then 10 minutes, then half an hour. Everyone was gathered at the crime scene, acknowledging that Chlorine was now dead. Some were happy that he was gone, whilst some were surprised, and some were sad. Of course, I would've been in the 'happy' category just a few hours ago, so it's not like I can exactly blame them.

Flavia moved closer to the body and started inspecting it.

"We'll keep the groups the same as last time. Veronica, you investigate the body with me. Colleen, Carlos and Elaina can investigate the mansion for clues. All the others can... do as they wish", Flavia had said after declaratively taking the initiative. Soon after some bickering and arguing that Flavia can't be trusted, most of them moved away, leaving just me and Flavia with the body, as expected. Flavia reached into Chlorine's shirt and pulled out his journal.

"Veronica, read it out loud while I investigate the body", she said while passing the journal to me.

I nodded reluctantly and started to read.

As the scout, I've been doing some secretive work, and I've seen some... alliances form.

The scout...? So... Chlorine was evil after all...?!

Veronica was visited by Flavia.

"This could be just anytime we spoke. It isn't really too important, read the next one.", Flavia had muttered as she continued to inspect his body.

Flavia was visited by Carlos.

Carlos? What business did Flavia have with Carlos? I was dying to ask, but I knew she wouldn't give me a reply, so I didn't try.

Colleen was visited by Veronica.

...? Chlorine was there then...? No wonder I met up with him like that in such a spot. Was it planned...? Was everything Chlorine told me about himself just a bluff? No, it couldn't have been. His voice breaking, his eyes, it was all too real to be an act. But does that mean... he didn't have any intentions to work with the evil team in the first place?

"Is there anymore?", Flavia asked. I looked back at the journal. There was one more thing written.

I was visited by Miguel.

"Chlorine... was visited by Miguel", I said. "I see... since that's the last thing written on there, it must be the last person he met before he died", Flavia replied. She had a point, but... he was with me. Chlorine was with me, and then he died. Obviously, I was not the murderer, and so if the last person he met was Miguel, does that mean...

"Are you thinking the same thing as me, Veronica?", Flavia had asked. "Perhaps", I replied, "Miguel must be our prime suspect, hm?". Flavia nodded. "In fact, this time around, he may be the only suspect...", she then shook her head as if she changed her mind, and then she looked at me.

"Where were you last night? Who was with you?".

I was reluctant to answer. If I did, I'd be the second biggest suspect. However, I couldn't make up a fake alibi, because whoever I use in my alibi will, for a fact, crush my testimony. I had no choice but to tell the truth to her... "I was with Chlorine". Flavia looked at me with fire in her eyes. "So, you're the prime suspect along with Miguel". I couldn't argue, so I just kept quiet.

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